What's New:
with Peter Gariaev;
Telepathic Knee Jerks and The Tao of Resilience to Biophotonics Summer School
Crisis in Life Sciences. The Wave Genetics Response.
(c)P.P. Gariaev, M.J. Friedman, and E.A. Leonova- Gariaeva
To create an organism, two genetic programs are required. The first one is geometric, i.e. a scheme, how to design the body. The second program is in the form of a meaningful text which contains instructions and explanations how to use the first program, how to understand and build the organism. These programs exist in the form of “DNA video tapes”, which are used by the genetic apparatus, acting like a bio-computer. When the bio-computer reads these video tapes, sound and light images appear that constitute the movie program of the development of the organism. When the creation of a grown-up organism is completed, the movie ends. Then the second movie starts, which contains the instructions for maintenance of the organism for indefinitely long time. Unfortunately, the videotapes containing information about a perfectly
1. Genetics and its problems
“Central dogma” of genetics The genetic apparatus of every organism on Earth, including humans consists of chromosomes, where all genetic information of an organism, such as DNA or RNA, is stored. The paradigm or “Central dogma” of genetics and molecular biology states that: 1) The genetic apparatus operates as a purely material structure.
2) All the functions of genetic control of an organism are localized in approximately 2% of DNA, the so called coding DNA of an organism. The remaining 98% of the genetic apparatus code nothing, and are garbage or junk DNA, which mainly represents a graveyard of virus DNA. The 2% coding DNA code proteins and RNA. Note however that genes of a human or genes of a fly or genes of a warm or genes of a plant are almost indistinguishable.
The biologists and geneticists use the language of analogies and metaphors to explain how genetic apparatus operates. The genetic apparatus consisting of 46 chromosomes is viewed as a library consisting of 46 volumes or books. Each book (a chromosome), contains a text (instructions of how to build an organism) which consists of sentences (DNA) consisting of words (genes). And each word (a gene) consists of 4 letters (certain “chemical letters”), i.e. the “genetic alphabet” consists of only 4 “letters”. The material realizations of the DNA molecules are famous double helixes, consisting of segments which are genes. In essence, genetic apparatus operates as follows. The texts, written in the “DNA language”, are first translated by the organism into the “RNA language” and then into the “Protein language. And proteins are the stuff that we are mostly made of (not counting water). Proteins perform two principle functions in the organism: they metabolize substances that we eat and participate in the morphogenesis, i.e. development of the spatial-temporal organization of an organism. Here texts are 2% coding DNA, which are matter and matter only, like a physical book. And the analogy with a book ends here.
What genetics currently cannot explain
We point here to some important well established facts within genetics which “Central dogma” of genetics cannot explain. As everyone knows, huge biological differences between different species are transmitted from parents to children. In other words, there are huge genetic differences between different organisms. At the same time, genes and proteins are practically the same for different species. Hence can think about proteins as a set of “bricks” that can be used to build and maintain all kind of “houses”, i.e. organisms: plants, animals, humans. An unresolved problem: how to explain huge differences in the morphogenesis, i.e. in the development of an organism from an embryo, between different species?
Genome (total sum of all genetic material) of an organism cannot consist of 98% of garbage. This is nonsense from the perspective of evolution, which throws away anything unnecessary. Geneticists and embryologists discovered existence of special proteins which determine the shape and size of particular parts of an embryo, i.e. a hand, an ear, etc.
However, this description contains a key unresolved problem, namely, some of these proteins are synthesized in one place of an organism, while their action in the form of a command is immediately expressed in another place of the embryo separated from the first one by hundreds
of cells. There is no explanation for this immediate distant transmission of the command.
2. Experimental data questions “Central dogma” of genetics and the paradigm of life sciences Some critical experimental data have been rapidly accumulating over the recent decades. This data unambiguously points to significant gaps and inconsistencies in “Central dogma” of genetics. Moreover, this data challenges us to find courage in ourselves to rethink and revise the whole premises of our understanding of the nature of life. We summarize here the highlights of this data.
DNA phantom effect
A quartz cuvette with a DNA sample is moved from one location to another. And a trace, a phantom, is left in the air in the original location of the sample. This phenomenon was registered using the laser spectroscopy method by P. Gariaev in 1984 in Russia and by the group of R. Pecora in 1990 in the U.S.A. Gariaev also investigated the stability of the phantom and he found the following. After blowing the phantom away by the gaseous nitrogen, it comes back in 5-8 minutes. And the phantom disappears completely after 1 month. We remark that sound waves radiated by the DNA molecules were registered in these experiments.
DNA wave bio-computer
Short term information on gene-holograms is the result of interference recording on the intercellular water structures of spatial light and sound images of the current condition of cells.
And these images are read by the light and sound radiations of the chromosomes, transmitted to the neighboring cells informing them about the condition of the cell sending the information. Such an operation is performed by each cell in the organism, and there a billions of those. Thus all the cells in the organism form a combined unified informational space, which functions like a DNA wave bio-computer. This bio-computer processes, in real time, information about metabolic processes in cells.
Another type of bio-holographic information is of morphogenetic nature, and therefore it is fixed
for a particular organism. It changes in time very slowly in the process evolution of bio systems and is inherited. The DNA wave bio-computer a quasi intelligent system, which operates with its own languages, similar to human ones, which we are only beginning to understand. The linguistic structures of genome at this level are true speech and true texts. By this we mean that quasi intelligent decisions are made regarding regulation of the structure and functions of an organism and its parts.
Genome: a quasi intelligent system Classical genetics has discovered experimentally that genetic RNA texts contain ambiguous words (homonyms) which may have more than one meaning, and the choice of the meaning is determined by the context. The significance of this discovery which was missed by genetics, is as follows. These words (homonyms) code critically significant molecules: proteins. If such a word-code has two meanings, and one of them is wrong for creation of a particular required protein, this will result in a biochemical accident and death of the organism. So, for example, the word 'ring' can code two different meanings: ‘a circle’ and ‘a place of competition’ of boxers. In order to give the precise and unique meaning to a homonym, the genetic apparatus must first ‘comprehend’ the meaning of the RNA text and only then make a decision, what precise
has quazi-intelligence and is capable to quazi-thinking at the molecular level and at the level the genome-biocomputer.
Bioelectrics Bioelectrics could lead to a cure for cancer.
AFRL's Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Physics and Electronics Directorate, Arlington VA
What began as a quest to decontaminate water may lead to the link that cures cancer and obesity.
Funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research’s (AFOSR) Physics and Electronics Directorate, Electrical Engineer Dr. Karl Schoenbach and Cell Biologist Dr. Stephen Beebe discovered a way to kill unwanted cells.
In the early 1990s, Dr. Schoenbach, professor at the College of Engineering and Technology at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, was looking for a way to use pulsed power to kill the bacteria that contaminate water or air. By generating short, extremely high electrical pulses, Dr. Schoenbach was able to affect the cells that caused the problems. “Companies now use this method to decontaminate orange juice,” Dr. Schoenbach said. “This method doesn’t change the taste of liquids, but kills E. coli bacteria.”
Based on that success, Dr. Schoenbach began to ponder the effects pulsed power would have on other living cells. He teamed with Dr. Beebe, an Eastern Virginia Medical School pediatrics professor and trained biochemist who works in molecular and cell biology. No longer content with simply killing bacteria, the two focused their attention on living human cells. "We wanted to find a way to kill bad cells (like tumors) or unwanted cells (like fat cells)," Dr. Schoenbach explained. "More importantly, we wanted to see if we could affect their functions." (See figure.)
Dr. Schoenbach and Dr. Beebe became the first scientists to show that cancer cells could be coaxed to die. They also made other discoveries along the way. “We learned that if you use pulses that are below the threshold of killing a cell, you can enhance cell function,” Dr. Beebe reported. “This has applications in healing wounds and stem cell expansion that could be used in gene therapy or replacement therapy.”
A number of obese people could be thinned as well. “In the same way cancer cells are killed, so could fat cells [be killed]," Dr. Beebe explained. "If we could kill the fat cells that carry fat-or better yet, the stem cells-then we could control the number of fat cells that are available."
While many have marveled at their breakthroughs, others have been pleasantly surprised by the results yielded by this team of professional opposites. “Biologists and engineers have very different educations and use almost two different languages,” Dr. Schoenbach conceded. “The process of learning to understand the other side is complicated, time consuming, and at times, very frustrating. It requires quite a lot of respect for each other.”
Dr. Beebe agreed: "We think so very differently. Things that occur to an engineer wouldn't necessarily occur to me. But that can be a good thing. It could lead to very good ideas. It is a synergistic way to do science. I think this is good for science, our [nation's] health, and the environment in general."
According to both, they would still be in the infancy of their research if not for the support of AFOSR and Dr. Bob Barker. “AFOSR was the driving force behind our new facilities,” Dr. Schoenbach insisted. “Their grant really changed everything. It gave us the means to do, for the first time, interdisciplinary research on a level such that we could move really quickly toward results. If we wouldn’t have had AFOSR and Dr. Barker, this just wouldn’t exist,” he added. “We probably would still be zapping our little bacteria.”
Armed with AFOSR funding, Dr. Schoenbach is confident the future will yield more breakthroughs. “Wound healing is now a focus,” he noted. “People who experience a slow healing process, such as those with diabetes, can benefit from the good things we can do for them. That is what is so exciting about basic research,” Dr. Schoenbach observed. “You just don’t know exactly the outcome or breakthroughs it may bring.”
Ms. Nahaku McFadden (Techplan Corporation), of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Air Force Office of Scientific Research, wrote this article. For more information, contact TECH CONNECT at (800) 203-6451 or place a request at http://www.afrl.af.mil/techconn/index.htm. Reference document OSR-04-03.
Lorin Kiely & TOP DOWN YOGAAccording to Dr. Stephen Porges , Brain-Body center, University of Illinois, the term neuroception describes how neural circuits distinguish whether situations or people are safe, dangerous or life threatening."
"Because of our heritage as a species, neuroception takes place in primitive parts of the brain, without our conscious participation. Faulty neuroception might lie at the root of several psychiatric disorders, including autism, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, ADD and Reactive Attachment disorder." Currently, the number of children expressing these symptoms is epidemic in proportion. www.zerotothree.org/vol24-5a.pdf
Learning, meditation and social engagement each require that the child can be at rest (immobilized in safety) without fear, and feel somewhat balanced in his or her life. Feeling threatened stresses a child putting him/her into a state of fight/flight or freeze (mobilized or immobilized in fear), for example or by the serious illness of a parent or the threat of being beaten up after school.
However, what is less obvious is that the child may actually feel threatened when there are no "real" threats.
This is faulty neuroception. It is possible that the nervous system is so irritated that the child is stuck in fear even though there is no real threat to survival. A child may be affected chemically by drugs or medicine, keyed up due to food allergies or over stimulated by caffeine and sugar (both of which are in most soft drinks).
We find that many children are stuck in a less than optimal state due to a dysfunction in their nervous systems. They are keyed to fight or flee regardless of how safe the actual environment is. In most cases, function can be restored so that the child can feel safe and rest within the experience of mindfulness and awareness, promoting an optimal condition for meditation and social engagement.
In our experience, various methods have proven successful in restoring the child's feeling of safety, providing the present time environment is indeed safe. The two main methods of working are structural, and functional. We work 'structurally' to adjust or change the physical system. For example, most people who are in a psychological state of stress or depression have a rotated first vertebra.
Stress may be derived from pressure on the cranial nerves when the connective tissue wraps around some nerves as they exit the skull. This local pressure restricts blood flow to the nerve itself, causing dysfunction. It could also be the case that the rotation of the first vertebra reduces blood flow to certain areas of the brain and brainstem.
There are several structural methods of approach for returning the first vertebra to a better position and therby relieving chronic stress. One such method is working with special movements of the head, which is part of what we call TOP-DOWN YOGA.
These positions (asanas) are easy to learn and perform, and can be practiced by everyone while sitting in a chair, standing or lying down. Holding the positions of the head for short periods of time de-contracts the deep muscles of the neck thus repositioning the first vertebra in relation to the base of the skull.
This can relieve pressure on the vagal nerve which, in turn, can restore proper function of the autonomic nervous system. www.top-downyoga.net
A second method is working with movements of the eyes. There is a neuroanatomical link called the occipital-optical reflex, between the 8 sub-occipital muscles at the base of the skull and the 12 eye muscles.
With physiological and psychological trauma a fixation can occur in the occipital-optical reflex system locking the trauma into the mind/body complex. Simple ways of moving and holding the eyes and head in specific positions at the same time releases the fixation, releases the fixation unlocking the holding patterns. Another important method of working with the eye muscles brings the mind to a state of stillness, awakening powerful self-regulation of cardiac output.
A third structural approach is a light touch or stretching at specific on the outermost surface of the skin, at precise points on the head and neck. Very light pressure stimulates nerves in the skin which, when stimulated, reflexively relaxes these same sub-occipital muscles muscles. This, in turn, allows the vertebra to move back into normal position.
There are also methods which release the sub-occipitals functionally. One way is through a subtle adaptation in spinal movement while breathing..
All of these often bring about the desired results in a matter of a few minutes, sometimes a few seconds. These methods have been developed and refined over many years by Stanley Rosenberg. His work includes various methods for checking the state of the nervous system physiologically to verify that the techniques actually move the recipient from stress or depression toward an openness conducive to meditation and social engagement. www.stanleyrosenberg.com/
The best tested method of functional regulation of the autonomic nervous system was developed by Dr. Stephen Porges. He stimulates the nerves in two muscles of the middle ear with very specific patterns of computer distorted sound. His method has restored, or jump-started normal facial expression, listening skills, speaking ability and social behavior in a very high percentage of autistic children in a matter of a few short treatments. http://www.stressrelease.info/listening.html
All of these methods can help a child move out of either a state of fear, a state of irritation and anger or a state of apathy, hopelessness and depression. They can bring the child into stillness of both body and mind and into an experience of being centered in openness and clarity, which is the necessary prerequisite for the practice of mindfulness and awareness.
To view other team members work, see;
globalchicago.net/zapchen/, focusing.org, puretimespace.com,
We Are Temples of Living Light
By Iona Miller, 1/2005
“Biophoton emission is a general phenomenon of living systems. It concerns low luminescence from a few up to some hundred photons per second, per square centimeter surface area, at least within the spectral region from 200 to 800nm. The experimental results indicate that biophotons originate from a coherent (or/and squeezed) photon field within the living organism, its function being intra and intercellular regulation and communication.” ~ Popp, 1999
Integrative Biophysics
Recent trends in quantum physics have been focusing on quantum field theory (QFT), rather than the particle physics of quantum mechanics (QM). QFT is the application of quantum mechanics to fields. It provides a theoretical framework widely used in particle physics and condensed matter physics. The extension of electromagnetic theory suggests a role for the physical vacuum in the organism.
Quantum Field Theory purports to be the most fundamental of sciences in that it concerns the ultimate constituents of matter. The term "quantum field theory" is used interchangeably with "particle physics" and "high energy physics" on the grounds that the experimental support for this theory comes from expensive experiments involving high-energy beams of particles.
In particular, the quantum theory of the electromagnetic field, known as quantum electrodynamics (QED), is one of the most well-tested and successful theories in physics. The fundamentals of quantum field theory were developed between the late 1920s and the 1950s, notably by Dirac, Fock, Pauli, Tomonaga, Schwinger, Feynman, and Dyson. But the 21st century sees their integration in biological processes.
There is great interest among those studying subtle energies to identify the agents and dynamics of the vacuum potential and its vast energy reserve on our essential nature, the fieldbody. Some argue that the quantum field, also known as the information field is the quantum potential. In this nonlocal model, everything is connected informationally to everything else, superluminally. Other call it a virtuality rather than potential.
Quantum fractal-like pattern generation
The potential is that which is not yet realized (not real), whereas virtual is that which is not yet actualized (but IS real: q-fields, q-forces, sub-q particles as VIRTUAL (and real) rather than POTENTIAL.
At what point is the immanent made material? Is information a non-material substance, (whether a force, an epiphenomena, a tendancy, whatever), or is it STUFF? (particles as teeny-teeny bits of information)and, where does shape come into this? Pribram wrote about the Fourier transforms in the brain, and that the perception was not explainable in terms of discrete places, but as a pattern of distribution that made a wave, and it was the wave that was perceived.
For any holographic paradigm of Consciousness, there must be some sort of media for the hologram to live in. (Holograms cannot exist without some sort of media.) The media is the subquantum or virtual particles, which comprise all of everything else, all matter, all forces, and the various forms of Consciousness, both physical and non-physical.
We are primarily energetic and informational beings with field dependent chemical reactions.
Typically, the treatment of biological effects of EM fields is restricted to ionizing radiation and membrane potentials. But Integrative Biophysics is more than a molecular-genetic approach to biology. It focuses on our intrinsic systemic holism, an inseparable whole with the environment, interconnection within and without the organism.
The brain/body acts as a very sensitive “radio receiver”, with each being “tuned” to its own “sub-quantum holographic hard drive”. DNA serves in a similar capacity to a radio’s tuning capacitor, though incredibly more complex). It tunes the body’s bio-energy field (“Aura”. Orgone, Chi, Kundalini, Prana, whatever one chooses to call it, depending upon background and predisposition) acts as the “antenna” (a bridge to the sub-quantum realm, where their “hard drive” is actually stored. This is the medium “medium”, so to speak ), and, of course, the “Holographic Sub-Quantum Hard Drive” storing, not only your memories (“data”), but the “programs” that comprise your personality.
We are not dealing with an actual physical construct, as the sub-quantum realm exists outside of space-time. Think of your individual “storage space” as “whirlpools in the river”; i.e., “personal” holographic storage space, rather than being “partitioned off” from the rest of the sub-quantum realm. It is actually part-and-parcel of the holographic “fabric” of the sub-quantum realm. You can access your “data” and “programs” strictly by virtue of their physical/energetic resonant signature.
This explains Jung’s “Collective Unconscious”, and the “Akashic Records” of the ancient Tibetans. Further, we can see how supposed “reincarnation” functions: We can make the analogy to cordless phones/cell phones and “crossed signals”, due to a crowded frequency spectrum - something with which we are all familiar.
While everyone’s physical/energetic signature is unique, there are bound to be certain “overlaps”, which allow a person living NOW to “tap into” the “quantum hard drive” of someone who is “dead”. That person’s “data” and “programs” still exist in the sub-quantum realm, and are thus available to be “tapped”, providing that one can “get into resonance”, or “tune” to that person’s signature.
Mediums do this voluntarily, while in cases of reincarnation (and, at the extreme end, “possession”), there is a certain amount of resonance purely by chance. Incidentally, this also explains “genetic memory”: as the DNA is so instrumental in the “tuning” process, it can be understood how people of close genetic relation, thus sharing elements of their DNA, may “tap into” ancestors’ memories.
Telepathy can be similarly understood: when two people develop a close rapport, a “resonance” between themselves, their resonant signatures “overlap” to a certain extent, allowing for the “sharing” of “data”, and, in some cases, even their “programs” (personality traits, etc.).
A brief review of the non-local nature of any realm outside of space-time is sufficient to answer questions about remote sensing: since space and time are illusory constructs confined to “space-time”. The “mind” exists in the sub-quantum realm, OUTSIDE of space-time.
Since the physical body is a tuning mechanism, and does not immediately decay upon physical death, the tuning apparatus remains relatively intact for a period of time. And, if we look at the work of Wilhelm Reich, explaining the energy dynamics of “Orgone” (Chi, Prana, etc.), we can see that the Bio-energy field (“Aura”, etc.) will remain coherent and attached to the physical body for a period of time as well. Thus, our receiver, antenna, and of course, the “sub-quantum hard drive”, are all intact for quite a while after death.
During this time, the consciousness may de-focus from space-time, as can also happen during “Astral Travel” and/or “Remote Viewing”...and if the body is revivified, these memories may be retained, and a NDE is then reported.
Certain constructs seem to be reported by various people: “Christians” may see “Jesus”, or other appropriate religious figures, while Buddhists see Buddha, etc., etc. I explain the “form follows energy” principle, and show that the more mental energy is given to a construct, whether in THIS “space-time” realm, or any other, the more “real” it becomes. The content is part of the enculturation program.
Thus, with BILLIONS of human minds lending energy to their various belief systems, it should come as no surprise that people find what they EXPECT to find in the NDE state. I even posit that space-time itself may be the result of a group of entities in the sub-quantum realm having “concocted” space-time, in much the same way that programmers of Virtual Reality systems create “worlds”, either for entertainment, or for university educational programs.
Professor Fritz-Albert Popp, a well-known biophysicist at Kaiserslautern University, Germany, states that: "All living organisms emit certain electromagnetic waves. If they are in a healthy condition, they emit more. If not, they emit less. This electromagnetic emission is called biophotons.”
All living cells from plants to human beings emit biophotons, ultraweak photon emission of electromagnetic wave in the optical range of the spectrum. Biophotons can’t be seen with the naked eye, but can be detected.
All organic and inorganic compounds have inherent electromagnetic resonance. The inherent resonance is the compound’s unique electromagnetic signature or signal. Chemical compounds absorb electrical, electromagnetic, and magnetic energy by altering their molecular and atomic geometry. As the molecule relaxes the alterations in geometry return to their normal configuration. The compounds then emit multiple radio frequencies of their own characteristics plus heat of specific infrared frequencies.
Biophotonics is a rapidly increasing field of current scientific research and applications, based on the discovery of biophotons, a permanent, weak photon current emanating from all living systems. The biophoton emission reflects some, if not all, of the essential biological and physiological activities in biological systems. Energy and information can move about the body through other means than nerve transmission and hormonal regulation via quantum coherence.
Biophotonics provides a powerful tool for investigating these electromagnetic interactions. The theoretical approach requires holistic models of living systems, rather than local analytical models. Consequently, these new insights into living matter create a new basis of "integrative biophysics" that is concerned with the questions of EM regulation, communication and organization of biological systems.
Russian medical researcher Professor Alexander Gurvich discovered what he called mitogenetic rays in 1923. Though studied briefly in the intervening years, biopontons again generated great theoetical and experimental interest in the 70s.
In 1974, German physicst Fritz Albert-Popp proved the existence of biophotons, their origin from DNA and later their coherence (laser-like nature). Russian biophysicist Peter Gariaev has confimed and built on this foundation with his own DNA hologram research.
Popp developed his theory to explain the plausible biological role and potential control mechanims of biochemical process, such as growth and differentiation. Though not yet a full theory of life, noted scientist Herbert Frolich and Nobel winner Ilya Prigogine have accepted Popp’s results warmly. Today, the International Institute of Biophysics, headquartered in Germany (founded 1992), flourishes in over 10 countries.
Outline of Biological Magnetohydrodynamics
Wodzimierz Sedlak, Ph.D.
translated by Leane Roffey Line, Ph.D. and Jaroslaw Kempczynski, Ph.D. a Bioelektronika report
In this article, Sedlak discusses how a living organism is not only an information detector and generator, but is also a transformer of electromagnetic energy. Biological systems generate their own magnetic mediums through a process he calls "dia-par", or diamagnetic to paramagnetic transition. Sedlak proposes that the science of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) can be used to model living bioplasma. He predicts that this model can account for such phenomena as spin- waves, anabolic to catabolic transitions, and redox processes. Such low-frequency biological rhythmic activity can probably be accounted for by MHD mathematics, the proof of which he leaves to future generations.
Wodzimierz Henryk Sedlak was born in Sosnowiec, Poland, on October 31, 1911. He completed his studies in 1951 at Maria Curie-Sodowska University, where he received his Doctorate of Science in Mathematics and Natural Science. In 1967 he was appointed Head of the Department of Theoretical Biology at Catholic University in Lublin.
His main fields of interest included bioelectronics, paleobiochemistry and paleophysics. Throughout his career he published well over 100 papers and several books. As a theorist, he proposed new models in biological and geophysical sciences from common concepts. As a cross-disciplinary polymath, he painted pictures with broad brush strokes on the nature of reality itself.
His ideas have a potential to influence medicine, psychology, anthropology, and philosophy. His papers represent snapshots of how he saw the world rather than expressions of traditional experimental approaches, and are rather synthetical and not analytical statements of "how things are".
Many of his ideas were initially rejected by analytically oriented scientists. He pictured living systems as a part of a greater whole, connected from the smallest to the largest levels by electromagnetic interactions spanning vast regions of the spectrum. His concept of bioelectronics enables a paradigm shift from classical mechanical to quantum systems insofar as the nature of life is concerned. He is the author of many concepts which now characterize newer interpretations in biology, which somehow percolated through the Iron Curtain to influence the development of new ideas in the western world.
Together with Szent-Gyorgyi and others who are at the foundation of the 21st century concept of "Homo electronicus", Sedlak now takes his place in history as one of the founding fathers of "frontier science". He died at the age of 81 on February 17, 1993.
Mind-Matter Entanglement via Telepathic Body Jerksby Edmond Chouinard, 485 River Avenue, Providence, RI 02908 USA
Knee jerks and body movements are dramatically seen as a function of mentally directed protocols. It appears that mental protocols that send out thoughts and energy, even from distant points around the world, directly affect targeted individuals in the laboratory. Remote thought energy interacts directly with physical motion detection systems via the human body. Mankind would thus appear to be closely tied together, as energized thoughts can literally become enacted at a distance by a target that is open to their reception. They appear to be extraordinary cases of information transfer in remote communication, like telepathy and telekinesis, that is, remarkable instances of a new understanding of quantum entanglement. Breathing patterns are found to significantly change according to mental protocols of agitated Turbulence or of loving Quietness.
Comparisons are made relative to Initial Calibrations taken before the targeting protocols begin. Quasi-static electrodynamic energy fields in the surrounding laboratory environment are also found to drastically change as a function of the targeting mental protocols. Numerous large coil sensors indicate substantial changes in frequency spectrum energy densities around the subject's body and in the local environment. Something very important is happening here. These many physically measured phenomena directly correlate with directed thought energies sent by the mental protocols. Amazing!
Such findings are unveiled through dozens of simultaneous physical measurements on protocol targets and on the local laboratory environment, where large telltale signals have evolved. This paper presents a detailed overview of these findings via a wide cross section of frequency spectrums of simultaneous physical measurements. There are many graphs here, but they are easy to read and the exposition of the findings is in the details. Building upon these rather amazing discoveries will undoubtedly change life and the world from that which is presently known. It will be helpful in reading this Part 2 paper to first read the Part 1 paper entitled, "Mind-Matter Entanglement with Geomagnetic Fields". The folks who so graciously participated as "mental senders" in this experiment were "live" Baltimore seminar participants of channeler, Steve Rother, who led the group with short mental protocols while laboratory target events were recorded in Providence, Rhode Island. Continued follow up on this project of several experiments will continue through Steve Rother's channeling website, www.lightworker.com.
Knee Jerk Experiment:
This Knee Jerk Experiment was performed on a May 27, 2004. The results are extraordinary and most profound. The experiment consists of seven sequential 128-second measurement periods that correspond to the seven experimental protocols: #1-Initial Calibration, #2-Send Turbulence and Random Knee Jerks, #3-Send Love and Quietness, #4-Send Sync Knee Jerks Right, #5-Send Sync Knee Jerks Left, #6-Send Love and Quietness, and #7-Final Calibration. Each data file contains 64-channels and each is sampling data at 128 samples per second for 128 seconds. Fourier transform frequency spectrums are performed on all channels of every file, as shown throughout this paper for a quantitative measure of energy excitation over the specified frequency range. Frequency spectrums run from 1 to 8192 data points, corresponding to 0.0078 Hz to 64 Hz. Hence, 1 Hz = 8192/64 = 128 data points. Digital resolution is thus 0.0078 Hz. All graphs are plotted in terms of data points and the frequency associated with any desired data point is: Frequency = (Data Point Value)/128.
Mind-Matter Entanglement with Geomagnetic Fieldsby Edmond Chouinard
Local geomagnetic field fluctuations are seen to dramatically change as a function of directed mental protocols. These same fields are also changed and uniquely altered when measured in close coupling to the human body. It appears that mental protocols that send out thoughts and energy, even from distant points around the world, directly affect the local geomagnetic fields in accordance with love and healing type intentions.
Mankind would thus appear to be closely tied to Earth's geomagnetic fields, as quantum entanglement vehicles of information transfer, fields that underlie extraordinary forms of communication such as telepathy. Alternative vocabularies can now speak of unifying connections among mankind via a measurable web of love, as seen through such field fluctuations of Earth's magnetic grid. These findings are unveiled through dozens of simultaneous physical measurements on mental protocol targets and the laboratory environment, where large telltale signals evolve. This paper presents a detailed overview of these geomagnetic findings through of a wide cross section of frequency spectrum graphs of simultaneous physical measurements. There are many graphs, but the exposition of these findings is in the details.
Simply put, the mind of man is entangled among other subtle objects throughout the world, according to directed mental protocol, and these graphs present some of the empirical evidence. Building upon these rather amazing discoveries will undoubtedly change life from that presently known.
This paper embeds three equally important primary facets: experimental, experiential, and theoretical, where the first is most expansive as I am an engineering physicist. The three facets need be held on an equal footing for the science developing herein to gracefully unfold.
Traditionally, the scientific method has not included the experiential facet as an indispensable part of scientific enquiry along with its well developed experimental and theoretical facets. The observer was simply presumed to be, de facto without much further ado, unconnected to the objects being studied. This is blatantly not so in these mind-matter entanglement experiments, where a discriminating play among the observer, the process of observing, and the observed come into being.
Indeed, the primary purpose of this paper is to show that the experiential is a macroscopic world phenomena integrally tied to the experimental and theoretical, and it is measurable by the instruments of physics. The need for the simultaneous existence of the three facets is covered in a background paper that outlines this work, “Experimental Program in Mind-Matter Interrelationships”, which was presented at "Quantum Mind 2003" at Univ. of Arizona. This paper also contains many photos and descriptions of sensors and instrumentation setups that are typical of these experiments.
The folks who predominantly participate in these experiments and who enact and empower the mental protocols that send information and energy throughout space-time are meditators, healers, psychics, channelers, astrologers, and often those of esoterica who are already acquainted with subtle realities of life from deep personal experience and conviction. Scientists might despair over such a sequestered selection, but such choices are analogous, say, to selecting a physicist when one wants to do physics. The folks who participated in five recent worldwide experiments were "live" seminar participants of channeler, Steve Rother, who led the groups with short mental protocols while laboratory target events were recorded. The folks participating in the Web of Love experiment, the concern of this first paper, are mostly unknown, as the project is brought out on Steve Rother's website, www.lightworker.com, where any and all were invited to join. Included could be many others who have been influenced by other channeled sources, for instance, such as the scientific channelings of Kryon at www.kryon.com.
THE TAO OF RESILIENCEby Peggie Southwick and Iona Miller, 1998/2002
Vagal Tone Measures of Resilience
Exploring the physiological substrates of temperament variations has brought forth some ground-breaking scientific research into possible neurological origins of resilience. Among the leaders in this task has been Stephen Porges (1992), who reported that "[m]easurement of cardiac vagal tone is proposed as a method to assess on an individual basis both the stress response and the vulnerability to stress" (p. 498). His methods involve monitoring the neural control of the heart via the vagus nerve, as indicator of homeostasis.
Homeostasis and the Autonomic Nervous System
In order to clarify the operational definitions of terms used in his paper, Porges emphasized that [h]omeostasis as a construct was never meant to reflect a static state. Rather it defined the dynamic feedback and regulation processes necessary for the living organism to maintain internal states within a functional range....Thus, status of the PNS state parallels homeostasis. Alternatively, withdrawl of PNS tone is response to a challenge may define stress, and PNS tone in prior to the challenge may represent physiologic or stress vulnerability. (1992, p. 500; emphasis Porges')
He explains how the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) regulates all of the body's homeostatic (visceral) functions by (a) activating its "accelerator" (the sympathetic nervous system, or SNS) in order to marshall its defenses on behalf of the body's internal systems, and/or (b) applying its "brakes" to that system in order to calm things down and return the main flow of energy to the body's inner processes.
Usually these two ANS systems function synergistically, one the reciprocal of the other. Occasionally, however, they are characterized by dual activation, as they are during sexual arousal, or by dual inhibition as in situations involving states of high physiologic stress vulnerability and low levels of SNS protection from stressors.
Because of its role in mediating the action of the "gas" and the "brakes" on the heart muscle in response to the demands placed upon the body, Porges (1992) demonstrated how the variations in tone, or responsivity rate, of the vagus nerve can reliably be used as a measure of a person's ability to cope with stressors. Since the body's "default setting" is in the PNS, or resting mode, high vagal tone would indicate a body at rest. Conversely, a low vagal tone would depict a stress-response by the SNS.
Stress Vulnerability of Infants
Even in the womb there are critical periods of vulnerability to suboptimal conditions (Nathanielsz, 2001). Growing bodies, even as simple societies of cells face special challenges.
Shortages in exercise, nutrients or oxygen, or too many toxins, and problems in the development of sexual identity can cause the fetus to makes choices that may haunt it in the future, altering genetic blueprints. Brain development takes priority, but may rob the organs of nutrients and create undesirable structural changes. Symmetrical growth retardation, normal growth and ultimate body size are related, as well as age of onset of sexual maturity. Each cell makes a choice to divide or specialize at some point, and the process is irreversible.
Making up fetal deficits is difficult if not impossible. The stress-response (stress axis) in the brain and endocrine system is programmed for life in the womb. The stress-depression link or stress vulnerability is programmed before birth. Those who over-react to stress, pre- or post-natally tend toward depression, blunting the daily ebb and flow of cortisol. Optimal, not perfect, womb environments require a well-nourished, low stress atmosphere, soothing the 9-month ride. Even then, birth-order (or premature birth) makes a significant difference.
1. Vulnerable periods occur at different times for different organs in the body.
2. Programming has permanent effects that alter the body's response in later life and can modify susceptibility to disease.
3. Fetal development is activity dependent. Normal development is dependent on the baby's continuing normal activity in the womb.
4. Programming involves several different structural changes in important organs.
5. The placenta plays a key role in programming. It is a hormone-producing gate-keeper.
6. Compensation carries a price. In an unfavorable environment, the developing baby makes attempts to compensate for deficiencies. However, the compensatory effort made by the baby often carries a price.
7. Attempts made after birth to reverse the consequences of programming may have their own unwanted consequences. Problems may arise when postnatal conditions prove to be other than those for which the fetus prepares.
8. Fetuses react differently to suboptimal conditions than do newborn babies or adults.
9. The effects of programming may pass across generations by mechanisms that do not involves changes in the genes.
10. Programming has different effects in males and females. (Nathanielsz, 2001, pp. 14-15)
Porges' (1992) study measured the cardiovascular reactivity of neonates. About half of the infants were full-term, healthy newborns, and the other half were high-risk preterm babies who had reached the approximate age of a full-term infant. All measurements were taken while the infants slept in order to screen extraneous effect from the readings.
It was found that the high-risk infants had a significantly lower pre-stressor vagal tone than did the full-term infants, indicating that the preterm babies had limited PNS energy-resources with which to regulate their internal state when subjected to stressors. In other words, these babies were functioning with a limited or defective PNS braking and accelerating system, placing their health at risk from both interior and exterior stressors.
Some of Porges' other findings in relation to resilience included the observation that high vagal tone in infants is strongly associated with (a) development of young babies' visual recognition memory; (b) more rapid habituation of novel stimuli, or learning; and, (c) more sustained periods of attention. Researchers have found these skills to be "sensitive, prophetic signs of later intelligence" (Kagan, 1995, p. 555) Porges continues, Moreover, the limbic system, assumed by psychophysiologists to modulate autonomic arousal solely through sympathetic excitation, has direct inhibitory influences on the cells of origin of the vagus...Parallelling this increase in vagal tone are increases in self-regulatory and exploratory behaviors. (1992, p. 503).
Thus it would appear that, as Goleman (1995) similarly predicted, high vagal tone, as a measure of one's stimulus-threshold, and thus one's attention-shuttling ability, (Wilson & Gottman, 1995) facilitates intellectual and psychological development processes in children leading to potential higher IQ scores and a scholastic advantage as they approach school age.
Stress Vulnerability of Children and Adults
Porges (1992) extended his resilience research to include several related physiological effects of vagal tone's influence on body functions in adults. He found that hypertension involved people "with lead feet," so to speak, who kept the SNS "accelerator" pushed to the floor with little or no "braking." Diabetes, in keeping with this metaphor, is often suffered by those more easily overwhelms individuals with low vagal tone who chronically "ride" or "depress" their PNS brake.
He could generalize like this from the neonate studies to the general population because [t]he quantification of vagal tone provides a standard instrument with statistical parameters that are comparable between patients and throughout the life span. The method is not dependent on stages of motor or cognitive development and thus is practical for use [at all ages] even with neonates. (p. 503)
Later we will return to Porges' work to examine the more intricate details of his research methods and finding in regard to this amazing system of energy "checks and balances." We will then be looking at how it all ties in with universal patterns of energy distribution management. For now it is sufficient to have some idea of what resilience looks like as a function of our body's responses to stressors and to know that some people are born with more efficient PNS acceleration and braking systems than other, giving them a distinct evolutionary advantage in the area of psychophysiological resilience. By extrapolation from the above findings, we now have a more efficient way to "drive," or modulate, our PNS-regulated bodies.
Summary of Physiological Findings
The causes of human behavior are varied and complex, and do not lend themselves to a purely reductionistic explanation. This is the circuitous path we followed in order to reach our present destination:
(a) From Darwin we concluded that because form follows function evolution has promised survival of the fittest functions;
(b) We then learned from ethology's "hierarchy of needs" model that man has indeed increased his chances of survival by learning new, more adaptive behaviors in order to maintain a more homeostatic energy balance;
(c) Then, ethnology and mythology illustrated that adaptive behaviors can be metaphormed from their body-state to their mind state by symbolically reflecting inner conflicts and resolution into the outer world;
(d) The subsequent exploration into variations in dispositional types showed how one's innate temperament is modifiable by consciously reframing "threats" into "challenges";
(e) We then saw how the characteristic behaviors, thoughts and attitudes of an individual appear to be influenced by his morphogenetic types, subject to possible modification through modulation of gene expression in the body.
(f) Porges' work gave us a more concrete way to conceptualize and measure how the body's physiology influences its psychological functions, and how those functions can in turn influence behaviors which can modify the body's physiology. This now brings us to the place where mind and body meet:
Psychophysiological Resilience.
The better we understand how the functions of mind and body are interconnected, the more consciously we can work towards finding creative solutions to their respective pathologies. Resilience is actually a holistic model of a consciousness-expanding process, involving the mutual interactions of self-reflection and self-correction at the individual and collective levels of our existence. Thus it is incumbent upon us to pause and reflect how each of us is influencing, for better or for worse, the structural integrity of the global tensegrity structure within which we are a tension-bearing member.
What is Resilience?
I've come to believe that science at its very core, is a spiritual endeavor. Some of my best insights have come to me through what I can only call a mystical process. It's like having God whisper in your ear...It's this inner voice that scientists must come to trust.
Candace Pert, quoted in Neimark, 1997, p. 74
Not satisfied with the theoretical limitations posed by science's current "nature versus nurture" paradigm, we set out in Part I and II to find a missing third, invisible factor, which might actively be involved in the resilience process. We found one which could acknowledge the reality that life is a process composed of more than the sum of its resilient parts.
Piaget (Seigler, 1991) gave us the terminology we needed to connect all of the psychological models into their basic underlying theme. Ideally, life is an ongoing equilibrative process of accommodative assimilation of sensory information and its eventual development, through its necessary evolutionary stages, into resilient coping skills and adaptive behaviors.
Variations in the efficacy of this information transduction process have been shown to be the result of several kinds of incoherencies created through energy-diminishing interference effects of both nature and nurture upon a person's overall life-energy state at any given point in time.
We have also suggested that through various therapeutic techniques, holistic healing could be effected in these areas of energy-blockage by holistically re-organizing habitual neural patterns through focused intentionality. Self-organizing emergence of a new self image automatically changes beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behavior. This restructures, reframes and re-equilibrates the life-draining effects of pathological wave-patterns into more life-enhancing ones. It reduces the dumping of autotoxic metabolic by-products of stress into the bodymind.
The holographic language of quantum mechanics, describing the various relationships of energy movements through spacetime provide an effective way of conceptually reframing, or transducing, the theoretical information that eventually seems to be emerging from within the non-linear, pre-linguistic states of the collective unconscious. We resolve that the very existence of the mysterious third force (inclusive of and yet supraordinate to the forces of nature and nurture) is evidently quite intimately involved in the evolution of this resilient process that we call life.
A working definition of the qualitative state of resilience shows a range of variability within which our psyches can function in order to maintain a stable, harmoniously adaptive balance of life energies. It is in search of the function of this resilient state that we began our philosophical journey through Part IV.
Tensegrity: The Finite Tension of Infinite Intention
We are at this moment participating in one of the very greatest leaps of the human spirit to a knowledge not only of outside nature but also of our own deep inward mystery.
Joseph Campbell, 1988, p. xviii
Part IV refined psychological and biological information discussed previously. Its more ethereal, spiritual aspects were defined in terms of mystical concepts of life's origins presented in Carl Jung's (1961) "Seven Sermons to the Dead." The gnostic terminology was translated into contemporary scientific models from cosmology, quantum physics, chaos theory, synergetics and holography.
Within the infinitely expanded horizons provided by this new resilience frame of reference, we discovered that all of life seems to exist as an infinitely finite cycling in and out of the balanced states of wholeness. This is perfectly coherent energy, from which we, as potentiated life energy must continuously escape, and paradoxically, into which we, as potentially living beings, are continuously reborn. We emerge from Chaos into order, and our consciousness dissolves into that chaotic state for rejuvination and renewal. Thus, we exist resiliently at the creative edge of chaos.
We can see, looking back at the point where mind and body connect via these virtual energy exchanges, that our psychic and somatic states are modifiable by one another at this juncture of potential energy with its potentiated form.
It is thus our responsibility, as we become increasingly individuated, to modulate as necessary areas which are in need of a holistic tune-up. One manner of doing this is by intentionally choosing to journey toward chaos for creative re-structuring, letting old outworn patterns dissolve.
We can self-manage the distribution and management of energy-draining life stresses on the whole mind-body by attending to the primal creative process. It is not an issue of mind-over-matter nor conscious will exerting its agenda over the subconscious. Rather, it is an approach of "mind-as-matter." And this individuation process of self-reflection and self-correction is resilient to the extent that its effects enhance the ongoing life process rather than diminish it.
And so, at the end of our life process, when our temporal body is separated from its infinite energy source, its physical remains are, of logical and practical necessity returned for recycling into the larger energic scheme wherein is planted "the Tree of Life."
Likewise, we can assume, the infinite life energies over which our bodies temporarily have dominion, must also be returned for recycling within the infinitely larger "pleromal-Abraxas" scheme of things. And somewhere in the middle, the energy demands of being alive (the self-adaptive needs of "Eros") give rise to the "devilish" conflicts upon which our life energies must creatively break themselves in order to adapt and grow stronger, to evolve into ever higher forms of conscious energy.
Summary of the Known and Unknowable
The different intelligences are like the various tones that make up a scale. When we bring them into harmony, we have richer and more resonant experience. Life becomes a symphony that's full of meaning.
Elaine DeBeauport, quoted in Andrews, 1997, p. 26
And this, in a few words, is the Tao of resilience: Eternal answers to life's questions are already wrapped like gifts within the individual, consciousness-channelling, information-transducing mind-bodies of their living participants. It only remains for each of us to expand our conscious life-energies in order to claim those gifts which we already possess and through whose guidance we may continuously become more resilient and harmoniously recreated within the womb of our own evolutionary process.
Summer School 2005
Biophotonics and Applications of Biophotons For registration and questions:
Registration Form
E-mail: iib@lifescientists.de
Phone: +49 2182 825131
Fax: +49 2182 825132
International Institute of Biophysics
Station Hombroich
Kapellener Strasse
D-41472 Neuss, Germany
Since 2001, the IIB has successfully organized four annual summer schools, which provide a platform for the international researchers in the area of Biophotonics and Biophotons to introduce their new discoveries and developments to other participants (see the programs 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004). The summer schools have attracted participants from 20 countries in Europe, Asia, America and Australia. Their active participation made the main contribution to the successes of the summer schools. These successes encourage us to continue this traditional event. We will hold the next summer school from August 14th to 19th in Station Hombroich, Neuss.

New with My Subject
VIRTUAL PHYSICS 2007 http://virtualphysics.50megs.com MY ZERO POINT 2006 http://myzeropoint.50megs.com CONSCIOUSNESS: THE MOVIE Coming soon from the Tucson Conferences; a new genre of entertaining science films.
Top Down Yoga is an application of craniosacral work to free vagus nerve energy through simple movements.Biophotons are coherent light within an organism. It is a regulator of psychophysical processes and an integral part of the living tissue matrix. Sedlak's work is foundational but largely unknown in biophysics or energy medicine. He desribes the organism as an information detector and generator, and also a transformer of electromagnetic energy. Biological systems generate their own magnetic mediums through a process he calls "dia-par", or diamagnetic to paramagnetic transition. Sedlak proposes that the science of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) can be used to model living bioplasma.