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MindBody Therapy: 6,117 words


Body Wisdom, Creativity & Psychic Energy

By Iona Miller, 10-2005

“Unless bodies lose their corporeal state and unless bodies assume again their corporeal state, that which is desired will not be attained.”
~ Byzantine fragment, The Philosophical Egg

"The borders of our minds are ever shifting and many minds can flow into one another ... and create or reveal a single mind, a single energy" ~ William Butler Yeats

"The only truly natural and real human unity is the spirit of the Earth. . . .The sense of Earth is the irresistable pressure which will come at the right moment to unite them (humankind) in a common passion." ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

“Light and matter both behave like separate particles and also like waves. This . . . obliged us to abandon, on the plane of atomic magnitudes, a causal description of nature in the ordinary space-time system, and in its place to set up invisible fields of probability in multidimensional spaces.” ~ Wolfgang Pauli, Physicist

The Triple Union

We are truly psychophysical beings, composed of bodymind and spirit. Arguably, Carl Jung (1911) was among the first to apply the recognized concepts of physical energy to show that libido, or psychic energy obeys the same laws and is not only analogous, but identical. Psychophysical and emotional energy is associated with instinctual biological drives.

Though psychic energy is neutral, it can be literalized, somatized, sexualized, emotionalized, socialized, mentalized, or spiritualized. Symptoms, thoughts, images, fantasies, beliefs, emotions, forms of expression or behaviour are all libidinal. Libido tends to flow inward or outward, a dynamic rhythm of introversion/extroversion. Jung attributed mana or personal power for a kind of shamanic or positive psychic contagion to those individuals who seem to have a charismatic influence on others.

Psychic energy tends to follow the same laws of physical conservation and entropy. Jung taught that within the psyche, libido: (1) creates entropy, (2) is generally conserved under the principle of equivalence, (3) flows through the psyche in channels that can be redirected, (4) can be either progressive or regressive, and (5) is transformed by symbols. In short, the psyche as, defined by Jung, is a complex system.

New physics, chaos theory, synergetics, and information theory describe our existence as complex dynamical systems. Entropy can only occur in system that is absolutely closed so no energy from outside can be fed into it. But the psyche is an open system, which exchanges energy and information with its environment and can be negentropic.

We can also have a negentropic influence on one another (Gladwell), perturbing, enlarging, creating new pathways and possibilities. Theoretically, behavior can ripple outward until a critical mass or "tipping point" is reached, changing the world. Gladwell's thesis that ideas, products, messages and behaviors "spread just like viruses do" remains a metaphor. Yet, highly sociable or connective people often become revolutionary leaders, bringing others together with a new perspective, a broadened worldview.

Life includes chaos and order, good and bad experiences, even catastrophes that require us to adapt or die. The important thing is how we meet and react to chaos, finding ways to replenish our depletion. Observation of the subquantal domain reveals an inexhaustible realm of negentropy from which we can draw our psychophysical sustenance.

When healthy, our entire system is designed to reduce entropy, in different scales and domains.
The same is true for the superorganism of society. We are irreducibly entangled with one another and the environment. We are healthy only to the extent we resonate with our environment. We maintain our integrity and identity as a dissipative system only because we are open to flows of energy, matter, or information from our environment (Prigogine & Stengers, 1984).

We live in a persistent delusion of separateness. However, we are all nonlocally connected in an ill-defined yet tangible way at the subatomic, individual, group and global level, connecting and diverging Psychic energy or libido is a psychosomatic phenomenon analogous to the paradoxical nature of energy/matter or wave/particle. The human body is not an object in space, but seamlessly welded to spacetime. We are not merely a phenomenal body of flesh, but one of awareness, of consciousness, a living interface of inner and outer field phenomena.

We all experience visceral or gut reactions and know instinctively how our mental states affect our physical vitality, and vice versa. But often we loose the intimate relationship with our mindbody, with the source of our being, our aliveness, our passions. If we experience this flow at all, it ebbs and flows away. Our individual and collective creative potential remains largely unrealized.

How often do we pay attention to those vital signs, the innate wisdom of the body, inhabiting our minds rather than our flesh? We are increasingly not instinctual, but cultural, and we choose many of our behaviors for good or ill. We’re nearly all “sick and tired” of the way things are, but what do we do to change them?

We can learn simple techniques for self regulation, such as biofeedback, yoga, and meditation. Creativity, as an activity in several fields, brings many intrinsic health-promoting rewards. We can create new habits to help us cope with technocratic society that tone or recalibrate our systems and change our physical state. We all have to learn how to deal with personal and/or global catastrophe whether we want to or not.

The Golden Flesh

Do we actively value our psychic well being, our totality, psyche and substance? Are we living soulful, artful lives? Do we nourish our whole selves with self-love? Do we take the time to care for our body or deny it, drive it relentlessly like our servant, or treat it like a machine? Do we attend to our inner world of waking images and dreams? Can we come to our senses, deepening the quality and intensity of embodied experience?

Our felt-sense is our wise intuitive response if we but listen. It brings meaning and value to life. What is your body trying to tell you? The body has a mind of its own and speaks that mind in gut reactions, body language, psychosomatics, and literal symptoms.

When psychic energy is dammed up it manifests in unconscious or destructive ways, such as tension, withdrawl, alienation, anxiety, compulsions, depression, addictions, somatization, and suicidal tendencies. Some people learn early, even in the womb, that their world is not a safe place. Social patterns become maladaptive when an organism’s true needs are not met in a tangible, congruent way.

A confused person can react with pain, fear, hopelessness, cognitive dissonance, disturbed biorhythms, approach/avoidance, passive aggression, codependence, apathy, or self-defeating behavior patterns. Our biology and minds become confused. Fed enough negative self-talk the body will react with authentic symptoms, self-induced illness. This does not mean that all disease is self-inflicted nor that we are necessarily to blame for our ailments, in some version of “new age guilt”.

Both the alternative health fields and mindbody psychologies such as the humanistic, Jungian and transpersonal psychologies have sought the triple union of body, soul, and spirit much like the medieval alchemists. But only a fusion of those approaches can manifest the union of opposites in the golden flesh. We can learn to care for our mindbodies in new ways from the inside out, conceptually and experientially.

To truly nourish ourselves holistically we have to address the manifest needs of mental and physical well-being. Consciousness may have a direct effect on the subatomic particles of the body, especially those within the brain. A tiny change within the open system of the brain, for example, can result in a vast change to the overall health of the body because of amplification through feedback loops. Nonlinearity exists at many scales.

Soma Sophia

Sometimes we have to address the external realities of a situation and sometimes its spirit or essential nature. The same is true for our bodies and souls. Significance is extracted from the experiential responses of our whole being – soma significance, the felt-sense wisdom of the bodymind, which we can personify as Soma Sophia.

We can use the wisdom of the bodymind to face stress, pain, loss, illness, even catastrophe. Creative transformation of our instinctive reactions produces the gold, whether we call that essence health, art, flow, or inspiration. Psychic sustenance is found within. Once the mindbody connects with Source, all of our self-expression becomes soulful. We truly embody spirit.

That Source is the source of psychic energy, our libido, which becomes available for negentropic or entropic expression. Its tangible root lies within our very energy/matter as the plenum that science calls the vacuum fluctuation or zero-point energy, the groundstate of existence. It is a bit of the cosmos, of the universe that lies within our bodies, which are composed of elements cooked within the stars.

The body itself is the Hermetic vessel for the transformation of instinctual drives. That creative process can take place through trance, art, or meditation, or any combination of them. There are many techniques, which help us process pain, stress, trauma, or depression. Often therapies address higher levels of organization, often at the conceptual level, rather than reordering the physical core of distress, which inhibits our well-being.

A dynamic combination of focus, concentration and flow undergirds our conscious existence and how we relate to others and the world. In meditations such as biofeedback, Tai Chi or Yoga, we intentionally create dynamic changes in our psychophysiology. We temporarily drop our identification with the body only to reinhabit it with even more awareness or mindfulness. This is the artful life; creative fulfillment of our collective destiny.

The Field Body
We can return to Nature and our nature, collectively preparing a paradigm shift for a new shared reality and trajectory – physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual coherence. The silent frictionless flow of living intelligence is beyond words and conceptual constructs. We are a process of recursive self-generation. This continuum, which is our groundstate or creative Source, is directly discoverable in the immediacy of the emergent embodied moment.

We are each a temple of living light. We arise from and are sustained by field phenomena, waves of biophotonic light and sound, which form our essential nature through acoustic holography (Miller & Miller), which is similar to the formation of matter via sound in cymatics. Cymatics is the science that describes how sound creates forms via resonance phenomena. Bioholography is thus a form of cymatics – acoustic holography.

Holography is the artform of producing virtual 3-D spatial images of objects. Its artifact is an ephemera, though the holographic plate which records the interference pattern is not. Projections are most compelling when they converge on the viewer. Virtuality is the condition of pure potential, non-actualization. Virtual images are created from diffracting lightwaves and reading the interference patterns.

But virtual particles from the vacuum potential (ZPE) pop in and out of our reality perturbing, even creating actual particles. Cybernetic virtuality involves interaction with a computer system to render certain potentialities actual within certain rules. In holographic systems, a body of fiction can potentially trigger future facts, opening new windows of reality. For example, rituals of quantum biofeedback, can manifest as nonlocal healing, whether through tangible interaction or the power of suggestion and placebo effect.

Our bodies are created from the virtuality of scalar field interactions with our 4-D reality of this spacetime. The mechanism is by projection via our DNA by biophotons or coherent light produced within the body. This coherent light transduces itself into radio waves, which carry sound as information that decodes the 4-D form as a material object, such as ourselves.

The study of this phenomenon of light and sound forming an organism using DNA as a holographic projector is called quantum bioholography (Miller). This process is true not only of formation of the body but also extends into its maintenance, a continual process of creation and renewal.

Light and sound carry the information that shapes us and our environment. In a sense we are essentially “frozen” light. Universe congeals within us each moment in a unique way, never to be repeated. Science now tells us this is so, that each of us extends nonlocally far beyond the skin boundary through our embedded field body (Pribram/Bohm, Wan-Ho).

Nature works through self-organization at the creative edge of chaos (Gleick, Peat), and so do we. Complexity is the fine line between chaos and order, "a chaos of behaviors in which the components of the system never quite lock into place, yet never quite dissolve into turbulence either" (Waldrop, 1992, p. 293). The creative edge of chaos is a transition phase.

Self-reinforcing, autopoeitic morphogenesis creates specific forms. Yet a meta-theory eludes us. We still don’t know exactly how that works; there is currently no consensus in quantum physics at the level of the unified field, but we have many working theories, which help us grope our way toward understanding. Likewise, there is no generally accepted paradigm in consciousness studies. Ambiguity surrounding our psychophysical Mystery also shows up in the split between conventional allopathic and energy medicine.

Mystics suggest even more subtle connections of soul and spirit through time and space, evolutionary intelligence. Even without a mystical approach, we can rest and refresh ourselves by aligning our intentionality with the very fabric of spacetime. Consciously participating in this universal process helps heal and integrate our mindbodies, psyche and matter. We can learn to self-soothe cumulative daily irritations by practicing self-regulation.

Cosmos resonates within each of us, but we have lost touch with that due to electromagnetic pollution and the distracting demands of modern life. But we can rediscover this integral context in which we are embedded as a field of timeless, radiant abundance. Spacetime is a plenum rather than an empty vacuum. It abides not just outside us in the depths of space but within the fabric of our being. We are pulsating dynamos of cells, organs, and dynamic systems.

We can learn to wrap our minds around this quantum reality that we are not separate from the ongoing process of creation, even if an energetic field of information defies detection. The source of creation always flows through rhythmic pulsation or waves of energy/matter. The manifestation of each so-called particle of our being is orchestrated through a self-organizing process (Penrose/Hameroff).

This dance is a harmonic continuum from the smallest to the largest scales, permeating all domains of assembly and observation – subquantum, quantum, molecular, chemical, even cultural, global, and cosmological. The evolution of our dynamic system obeys universal laws. Likewise our behaviors flow into manifestation from our beliefs, thoughts and emotions, including our self-image.

By opening to system dynamics we can reorganize away from the entropic, reductionistic, destructive habit patterns that plague our species. We can make stress-reducing negentropic choices for structural and psychological adjustment, which improve our quality of life. Integration is a synergistic process rooted in primordial bodymind consciousness.

The brain is not confined to our skull, but permeates our whole being through the intracellular matrix and sensory system, as well as the strong EM fields generated by the beating heart. Research suggests activities in the brain may be pre-conditioned by the DC field of the organism (Oschmann; Becker). Our molecular system extends beyond the nervous system and is the bedrock of intuitive, subconscious and unconscious processes.

Hypnosis suggests the fabric of the body also helps store our memories, embodying our triumphs and traumas. Ideomotor signaling (Rossi) can elicit revelations about ourselves not available from our conscious minds. There is a reciprocal action between our inchoate perceptions, thoughts and the chemistry of our bodies, and therefore our current and future states.

Jung (1932) identified at least five kinds of drives: hunger, activity, sexuality, creativity, and reflection. But he gradually came to conceive of "libido as a psychic analogue of physical energy,” a more or less quantitative concept, which should not be defined in qualitative terms, though libido includes drives, love, desire, aspirations. The important point is that this energy is never destroyed, but flows throughout the psyche activating now this part and now another.

Psychology describes psychic contents, including the role of the body, with psychic means. Psyche – the realm of soul -- is subject and object, medium and message, source and goal; there is no relative point of observation outside the human psyche. When we get down to it, we find only unprovable but assumed beliefs, which seem to work and therefore seem meaningful. We tend to have experiences that confirm our view or perspective of the world.

Physics, by contrast, pursues material reality both via and, to the greatest degree possible, beyond the human experience, but it also uses the mental medium in both its conceptions and inventions. All models of reality are “soft” technologies, but our beliefs and worldview condition the reality we experience. Just as matter is in a constant process of redefinition, so too must psyche and spirit be continuously redefined.

The psychic energy that directs and motivates the personality is called libido, which is simply a generic form of psychic energy which can be redirected or "canalized" into both sexual and non-sexual activities. Psychic energy balances the energy flowing between spirit and instinct. This non-specific energy can consciously be deployed and channeled for self-transformation.

Go with the Flow

Research has shown (Csikszentmihalyi) that self-teaching is strongly correlated with quality of life and the ability to experience refreshing concentration and flow in ordinary activities. Maslow called this quality self-actualization, first as an emergent property which can becomes a stabilized steady-state of personality. The “good life” is not only enjoyable and growth promoting, it reduces the sum total of entropy in the world.
Yet finding flow in our busy lives can be elusive.

Flow is neutral, as a source of psychic energy, focusing attention and motivating action. It can be used for constructive or destructive experiences. The more we allocate to the negative, the less we have available for the positive. So we need to become jealous of our spare energy, spending it wisely as our psychophysical organism tells us through bodytalk and feelings.

The amount of energy available to our consciousness and will varies. We can respond to stress by being active rather than reactive. Self-regulation means scanning, listening to, and intentionally recalibrating the mindbody. It requires focusing and concentration our attention, then “letting go”, seemingly releasing all effort…self-accepting, non-striving mindfulness.

Some suggest there is a Platonic field (Symposium) that restores our energy. It is compatible with the description of stages of pure consciousness described by the Yoga Sutras and other Eastern traditions (Buddhism, Taoism, etc.). The secret of the universe lies within “empty” space, which turns out to be a virtual plenum of potential. It is a nourishing essence, which feeds our psychophysical being.

Non-locality is regarded as accepted fact by physicists. They say that the twin photons are aware of each other instantaneously even if they are at opposite ends of the Universe. Laszlo says this new concept has primacy over matter. Puthoff says that matter is driven by this energy source (ZPE). And so is our matter. The interconnections among EM fields are not the external interactions described by Maxwell's four equations, the interconnection is "in the deep" inside those interacting fields, our own fields.

Inexhaustible psychic energy is the single most distinguishing trait of self-teaching individuals. Most creative people are self-taught, often achieving breakthroughs by investing surplus energy playing with the apparently trivial. No matter the subject, each of their new little discoveries parlays into excitement at the moment of discovery, in a self-reinforcing reward. These rewards build motivation to continue.

Have the “creatively gifted” learned a subtle secret for drawing on the essence of the cosmos by investing in their curiosity and delight? Some learn how to draw this surplus energy from the psychic well early in life and drink deeply through their attempts to understand, invent, express and solve problems. They manifest a determination to participate as fully as possible in life.

Self-actualizers pay more attention to what is going on around them with surplus energy to invest their attention in things or people for their own sake, rather than for strokes or gain. Most people hoard their attention in self-absorption, material or emotional advantage rather than growth, empathy and compassion.

Most guard their energy for immediate role or stress responses, or become bound by those factors, numb or apathetic. Those less concerned with themselves actually have more psychic energy to experience life. Everyday giving is an antidote for self-obsession and negativity.

It’s a free-floating type of attention pursued without recognition or support, easily captured temporarily by any subject or interest, rather than strictly tied to goals and ambitions. Wonder, novelty, surprise, awe, and transcendence are boundary breaking allowing us to move beyond ignorance, fear and prejudice. Often this experience becomes a valuable element of later full-blown realizations – new synthesis.

We can cultivate this quality and it’s intrinsic reward by 1) doing whatever needs to be done, even the routine, with concentrated attention and skill, rather than inertia, and 2) approaching them with the care it takes to make a work of art.

Instead of using our leisure energy wastefully we can learn to direct it from passive activity toward new experiences, which only become interesting once we devote attention to them. Time management and husbanding of psychic energy can be directed to create increased enjoyment of life, here and now. In flow we forget ourselves, rather than wallowing in the apathy, worry and boredom of unmet personality needs. Life is too short to remain depressed or exhausted.

We need time and psychic energy to pursue our curiosity. So, we have to be alert for those issues and people who would negatively feed on us, draining, subverting, or sabotaging our creative flow. We can complain, reflect on our stuckness, or actively invest our psychic energy in harmonious relations and goals, creating positive feedback. Having clear goals helps us focus and concentrate, whether we achieve them, or not.

Owning our own actions helps us focus desires and priorities for an improved life.
The self-motivated individual can concentrate more or less at will. Interest leads to focus and focus leads to interest. We take over ownership of our lives by learning to direct psychic energy toward our intentions. There is more consistency between inner desires and outer experience. When we learn to love what we have to do, the vector or arc of our development shifts.

When we learn to control attention, we learn to control experience, and therefore the quality of our lives. We invest less psychic energy in painful events and draining resentments, and more in self-affirming and rewarding activities, enjoying them for the control we acquire over our own attention. This simple process can lead to great leaps in transformation, and is also the basis of mystical practice simply for its own sake.

If you learn to love your fate, it reduces entropy not only in your own consciousness but for those you contact. In contact with source, you don’t have to feed on their energies in a negative way. We feel even better when creatively connected to something greater or more permanent than ourselves; it gives us energy. We can even find joy fighting a losing battle for a good cause.

Being in THE ZONE

Folklore has it that artists and sportsmen such as Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Larry Bird can enter a state of consciousness where they are actively entangled with their surroundings and perhaps even the future. In tennis, the body must be in motion somehow anticipating trajectories even before the serve in order to return the volley. Surfing or boarding are also good examples. Gamers report a similar flow for their virtual states.

Likewise, artists enter a flow state in both inspiration and artistic production or performance. Artists, too, are often accused of anticipating expressing a symbolic change in collective culture, whether they are consciously aware of it, or not. They seem to have an uncanny knack for symbolizing the zeitgeist of the time.

Musicians speak of their own kind of telepathy among one another, especially when jamming or improvising. Someone playing a spirited fast musical break knows the flow is rolling on and at the same time they are aware of the details, although they couldn’t consciously decide each action.

Sudden alarm experiments explore how dominant field dynamics can happen faster than consciousness can respond, using purely internal physical mechanisms. Part of the role of consciousness as an overseer is to allow the conscious periphery to have immediate access in the case of a threatening signal.

We all know we can react with lightning speed automatically while only dimly aware of it. We are aware of it sufficiently to anticipate and react to save our lives. The critical advantage of subjective conscious comes in, even if it is almost subliminal and not consciously thought through.
The BITZ experiments explore the existence of entanglements beyond the human body. Books have been written on 'Being In The Zone' (BITZ).

Most of us cannot repeat these super-athletic experiments. But, then, how many of us can smash an atom? We must trust the honesty and ethics of atom-smashing scientists. We just need a measure of BITZ that is not too subjective.

All of these examples are, in some sense direct verification of entanglement on a conscious level. But in practical terms we can still learn what qualities and practices lead to the flow state. In this subjective sense, BITZ has already been experimentally verified; indeed, we are all entangled with our environment, some more actively than others, but only a few can intentionally exploit it, though many have experienced it by accident or intent.

What we need to learn is how to deploy this capacity for creativity and/or healing. Anyone can learn through practices that require concentration in one area to translate that capacity to other areas, such as creativity. Certain orientations and qualities are involved and most of these can be adopted or developed. Many of them include the body, through kinesthetic muscle memory or other physical expressions that take learned behavior and put it on “auto-pilot”, making it seem virtually effortless.

Many activities elsewhere described as BITZ are actually products of a light trance state, such as flow state people report while driving a car.

Others, such as sports and music, explicitly require skill development to achieve fluency.
We can most easily apply ourselves to those things, which inspire a passion in us – those things we cannot help but do because the drive is strong, so motive and opportunity are there. But if a person has no passion, creative flow will remain elusive. With passion you can always learn the techniques to accomplish your creative goals. Still, many wrestle with the experience of trying to maintain vitality, passion, and inspiration while getting caught up in the daily grind of paying the bills and other mundane necessities.

Reports of solutions include:

“It's a matter of intention. I try to make a conscious choice every day to do everything the best I can. For me, this has been a self sustaining and exponentailly growing energy sorce. The harder I work at doing things well, the better I do things, the better I feel about doing things, the more energy I have to work on doing things well, and so on, and so on.”

“For me, it's a matter of being Present, no matter what my external circumstances are. The loss of vitality comes not with the grinding work, but from the fact that we resist Life while doing that work. The only solution is to surrender to the moment, be present with what you are doing, and accept whatever comes as a result. Sometimes what comes won't be so pleasant, but as long as you accept that, then more and more often it will be pleasant things that come your way. “

“I feel like we can get through anything if we assert that it's only temporary. It's too easy to get dragged down by the slave paradigm, especially when you've got a higher mission you'd rather be tending to. We need to be that much stronger and clearer about our Great Work on this planet to get through the daily grind and seemingly endless servitude to the inane.”

There are two ways of looking at our predicament, one crippling, one liberating:

· COGNITIVE DISSONANCE: psychospiritual reality and mundane patterns are at odds with each other, bringing stress and a feeling of self-betrayal. This splits intent and energy, divides and conquers by lack of wholeness. Thwarted by a feeling of not living in sincere harmony with your true self Power (psychic energy) leaks away.

· METANARRATIVE: realize that mundane activities are a result of will or intentionality, and that you are manifesting the mundane patterns that you see before you, either by conscious will or by default. The life you've created can manifest as a song, a poem, an art project, a great disovery. When you chose to make it surface, your full power and as a manifestation engine emerges.

Flow in intellectual and spiritual processes emerges from removal of blocks to creativity (such as competing activities and focus; poor self-image; poor judgment, thinking and work habits; conventionality, mediocrity; numbness; intolerance of complexity or solitude) and certain positive attitudes and behavior patterns, such as commitment to vision.

The most often cited examples facilitating creativity include the following: fluency, flexibility, sensitivity to problems, problems, originality, curiosity, openness to feelings and the unconscious, motivation, persistence and concentration, ability to think in images, ability to toy with ideas, ability to analyze and synthesize, tolerance of ambiguity, discernment and selectivity, ability to tolerate isolation, creative memory, background of fundamental knowledge, incubation, anticipation of productive periods, ability to think in metaphors, aesthetic orientation, etc.

If your desire to be creative is strong enough, nothing will prevent you from applying yourself if you have passion. Can the flow state be far behind? It is a form of transcendence, whether it comes through the physical flow of the body, the conceptual high of the A-ha state, the absorption and aesthetic satisfaction of the artistic process, or any conditions, which promote emotional flow.

The latter might range from love, to the high encountered learning from one’s mentors, to the perception that Cosmos is facilitating your intention in a given direction, though the latter is a synchronicity – flow with the environment.
In trance states the process is largely automatic and unconscious; no “learning” is required. Trance possession and ‘white line fever’ arise from the same level, while the former includes a transpersonal experience. In artistic fervor the doors of the subconscious swing wide and there is mixing of the inner subjective world with the object world of tangible expression.
In pure creativity, including nonlocal healing and the bliss of meditative states, focus and concentration are consciously applied directly with intent. Trance, art and creativity are all forms of transcendence of the ego and connection with deeper than conscious levels of existence.
Exercising one’s talents helps remove the blocks mundane life would like to introject. Fluency, a creative ritual, a workstation, and making time available help increase the drive needed to carry a project to completion. Intentionality and a conducive environment increase the probability creativity will emerge.
But the secret is that connections or open channels to primordial SOURCE tend to provide a degree of flow, self-realization, or illumination. So, the real key to creativity in all its forms seems to be an enhanced capacity to connect tangibly with source bringing back some material or immaterial boon from that inspiration.


There are many plausible ways that quantum theory can help with these profound mysteries of the groundstate of energy/matter, consciousness, awareness and flow. It will likely be many decades before some understanding of the actual mechanisms are finalized. So, despite the pluses and minuses of existing quantum theories of mind, these kinds of theories should be encouraged. If consciousness is or is related to quantum effects then scientists will have to think in these directions to figure it out.

"Whether this vast homogeneous expanse of isotropic matter is fitted not only to be a medium of physical interaction between distant bodies, and to fulfill other physical functions of which, perhaps, we have as yet no conception, but also to constitute the material organism of beings exercising functions of life and mind as high or higher than ours are at present-is a question far transcending the limits of physical speculation.”, says Maxwell.

Most natural philosophers hold, and have held, that action at a distance across empty space is impossible. In other words, that matter cannot act where it is not, but only where it is. The question "where is it?" is a further question that may demand attention and require more than a superficial answer.

Arguably, every atom of matter has a universal though nearly infinitesimal prevalence, and extends everywhere; since there is no definite sharp boundary or limiting periphery to the region disturbed by its existence. The lines of force of an isolated electric charge extend throughout illimitable space.

No ordinary matter is capable of transmitting the undulations or tremors that we call light. The speed at which they go, the kind of undulation, and the facility with which they go through vacuum, forbid this. So clearly and universally has it been perceived that waves must be waves of something, something distinct from ordinary matter.

Faraday conjectured that the same medium, which is concerned in the propagation of light, might also be the agent in electromagnetic phenomena, and he called it “the ether”. Now we speak of it as the zero-point domain of virtual photon fluctuation. Romantically, we refer to it as the plenum, since it is infinitely full of potential.

Some philosophers have reason to suppose that mind can act directly on mind without intervening mechanism, and sometimes that has been spoken of as genuine action at a distance. But, in the first place, no proper conception or physical model can be made of such a process, much less how that deploys intentionality in distance healing.

Nor is it clear that space and distance have any particular meaning in the region of psychology. The links between mind and mind may be something quite other than physical proximity. Since we don’t know how it works, in denying action at a distance across empty space we are not denying telepathy or other activities of a non-physical kind. Brain disturbance or mindbody healing are plausible physical correlate of mental action, whether of the sending or receiving variety.

There is no consensus in physics, nor in consciousness studies, though there is a correlating theory for nearly every one proposed in physics. Spontaneous healing may bypass all of these suggested metatheories. A field becomes a nearly innacurrate term in the subquantual domain or metaphysical level of observation.

According to Hameroff, “Everything (matter, energy, you, me) is part of the hidden geometry of spacetime, of which the Platonic is one aspect. Smells and colors and melodic tunes are complex assemblies of fundamental qualia embedded as configurations in fundamental spacetime geometry.

The qualia in spacetime geopmetry *out there* caused qualia *in here* within us because there is spacetime geometry within our mindbodies as well. Because spacetime geometry is inherently nonlocal it could be that *out there* and *in here* are connected, or actually the same. Only in the classical world is there a spacelike distinction. Pure consciousness is the experience of a total lack of phenomenal content while still awake and alert, and thus able to remember there was nothing.

[Some theories alledge] cognitive functions reflect consciousness which exists in the universe. I am saying that quantum processes in the brain (related to cognitive processes) are connected to protoconscious quantum information inherent in the universe. The connection results in OR which is a moment of consciousness (the protoconscious/unconscious quantum information becomes conscious) But remember the universe/spacetime geometry out there is also in our heads.” Hameroff

Several Vedic and Taoist texts (and perhaps other traditions as well) suggest that, with proper refinement of consciousness, the “outside” world can be cognized holographically, in a superposed, interpenetrating state where everything is experienced in everything else. If evidence can support such claims, perhaps the human mechanisms of perception have the capacity to directly experience an uncollapsed universe in which what is normally unconscious is merged into consciousness (or vice versa). Its like a dream.

But somehow consciousness is; somehow creativity emerges; somehow healing works; somehow we are, and are interrelated. Perhaps real meaning comes from our struggle to try to understand how these things work, to struggle toward wisdom in both the material and spiritual realms. There is meaning in the struggle to create, to heal, to know, to be.


Consciousness Studies; 4300 words


CONSCIOUSNESS: Quantum and Otherwise
By Iona Miller, Nov 1, 2005

Quantum Consciousness?

The paths of Wolfgang Pauli, coming from the advanced edge of physics, and Carl Jung, from the advanced edge of the psyche, crossed with interesting results for their generation. Pauli came away rededicated to unifying psyche and matter, to finding "the irrational in matter and the subjective in physics" and convinced of "the resurrection of spirit in matter." Jung came away with the idea of acausal connections -- meaningful coincidences -- an idea developed with the help of Pauli.

This collaboration raised the question of what it means to live in a world of where synchronicity is part of our experience. Each of the physical and psychological theories that have arisen since have also addressed implications about our existence and interconnections, not just theories. It is quite different to be essentially an ethereal wave-front in space than a solid meat body. But we rarely even conceive of ourselves this way, much less wrap our minds around the implications. We live in a fantasy of solid objects and conscious awareness.

Consciousness is more than simple conscious awareness or self awareness. It’s ALL in your mind, but not necessarily merely in your head. The universe is literally holistically contained within the mindbody and is the context of mindbody. Both physicists and mystics now tell us that there is noTHING “out there.” The Vedas said centuries ago that it’s all “mindstuff” and modern science is now confronting that. Wave forms and particles derive their energy from the inside of space. That energy is dynamic, always interacting from the cosmic to subquantal realms.

"The vast interplanetary and interstellar regions will no longer be regarded as waste places in the universe, which the Creator has not seen fit to fill with the symbols of the manifold order of His kingdom. We shall find them to be already full of this wonderful medium; so full, that no human power can remove it from the smallest portion of Space, or produce the slightest flaw in its infinite continuity. It extends unbroken from star to star; and when a molecule of hydrogen vibrates in the dog-star, the medium receives the impulses of these vibrations, and after carrying them in its immense bosom for
several years, delivers them, in due course, regular order, and full tale, into the spectroscope of Mr. Huggins, at Tulse Hill.", declared James Clerk Maxwell.

The vacuum energy or Zero Point Energy (ZPE) can be viewed as the Qi energy field according to the ancient Chinese Qi theory or worldview. In the very beginning there was Wu (Nothing or Void), then there was "Hun Tun" (the Great Chaos), later formed the "Tai Chi", then formed the "Tai Shih" (the Great Beginning) permeated with Qi.

The Qi then splitted into two, the Yin and Yang two complementary Qi forces. The interactions of the Yin Qi and Yang Qi evolves all things including Life. To the Chinese, Everything has Qi. Everything functions through Qi. It is the Qi that keeps us alive. To the Chinese, Life is not the end product of an evolutionary process, rather Life Force Qi's existence necessitates Physics and Chemistry being what it is.

Roger Penrose, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University, believes that if a "theory of everything" is ever developed in physics to explain all the known phenomena in the universe, it should at least partially account for consciousness. Penrose also believes that quantum mechanics, the rules governing the physical world at the subatomic level, might play an important role in consciousness.

But physicists and metaphysicists seem to talk about Consciousness as a primal essence, and consciousness as a neurological state of an organism, including human. Consciousness is equated by mystically-oriented physicists with the very essence of cosmos beyond energy/matter, residing within us as the groundstate of Being. The reductionistic view is that it is just a sequence of awareness interacting with the environment which can become complex as self-awareness arises; hierarchically stratified neural processes.

But no one seems to really know what Consciousness or consciousness is, anymore than they know what electricity actually is. For some it is cosmic, for others the most mundane result of our brain functions. The distinctions between so-called objective and subjective consciousness is now moot. Physics has shown there is only subjectivity, though facts can exist.

"Almost everyone agrees that there will be very strong correlations between what's in the brain and consciousness," says David Chalmers, a philosophy professor and Director of the Center for Consciousness at the Australian National University. "The question is what kind of explanation that will give you.

Chalmers wants more than correlation, alledging we want explanation – “how and why do brain process give rise to consciousness? That's the big mystery.” The converse question would be how and why does Consciousness give rise to cosmos? The problem is, Consciousness and consciousness seem to be irreducible, try as we might.

According to Chalmers, the subjective nature of consciousness prevents it from being explained in terms of simpler components, a method used to great success in other areas of science. He believes that unlike most of the physical world, which can be broken down into individual atoms, or organisms, which can be understood in terms of cells, consciousness is irreducible. It’s an aspect of the universe, like space and time and mass. According to this view, consciousness is primal.

A theory of consciousness would not explain what consciousness is or how it arose; instead, it would try to explain the relationship between consciousness and everything else in the world. In another theory the boson involved is conformal gravity, aka dark energy, aka the vacuum, aka zero point energy. Anything that gets entangled (electrons, photons, etc) builds up consciousness. There are other theories of entanglement, coherence and decoherence.

Many say QM has the look and feel of consciousness. There are several types of explanation of quantum state reduction, an occasion of experience: Copenhagen (conscious observation causes collapse), multiple worlds (each possibility branches off to form a new universe), decoherence (interaction with environment contaminates superposition - though it doesn’t really cause reduction), some objective threshold for reduction (objective reduction - OR), or quantum gravity.

Popular QM notions seem to fall into two categories:
· Copenhagen-esque--"old school" explanations which dwell on quantum theory's non-intuitiveness and in fact seem to celebrate the "leap of logic" needed to accept the observer-based wave-function collapse postulate;

· New Agey Utopian idealism--"quantum theory is strange, consciousness is strange, therefore, consciousness is explained by quantum theory", entanglement is proof that "all points in the universe are connected by some underlying ineffable thing, so can't we all just get along", etc.

Quantum theory will probably play a role in explaining consciousness and its relationship
to the brain. In some theories (Greenfield), mind is rooted in the physical connections between neurons, while consciousness is an emergent property of the brain, similar to the 'wetness' of water or the 'transparency' of glass. The electrical activity of the brain makes a `model' of a self in the world and our understanding of physical reality requires this `model' to exist `in the dark'. We don’t know if it’s basis is quantum or complexity, or some combination of quantum uncertainty and chaotic sensitivity.

There may be a link between chaotic sensitivity and quantum entanglement to create the ‘trick’ of consciousness (King, 2005). Synapses are making a potential energy landscape. High energy chaos explores the full phase space and attention lowers the energy until the dynamic either enters an existing attractor (recognition) or the system bifurcates to form a new attractor (new learned stimulus). It's a form of energy minimization.

Is there a link between global brain states and quantum phenoemena? Promising hypotheses link Freeman's model of chaos and bifurcation, Cramer's idea of transactional quantum entanglement, and Pribram's idea of the holographic brain and newer ideas of stochastic resonance and more theoretical ideas of quantum chaos. All these processes can interact together to make a viable basis for intentional subjective consciousness.

The brain is full of oscillations. The oscillations are chaotic in the time domain but holographic spatial oscillation in the space domain. Neural systems identify the oscillations that are in phase and they become the process that stands out from the out of phase noise. The in phase waves cause synaptic adaption and learning. When the brain goes from 'hunting' to 'eureka' there is a transition from chaotic out of phase excitation to phase correlated excitation.

This is the same process that happens in a quantum measurement, when we can only measure energy as frequency and can't directly sample wave amplitude of a quantum, so have to let enough beats pass to get an accurate frequency and thus don't know the time exactly. This is the uncertainty relation. The two processes are homologous.

Coherent oscillations in neurons are both the consequence of coupled areas and the cause of them over time. Chaotic excitations can, of course, be in or out of phase . It is the non-linearities which enable a number of harmonic oscillators to become mode-locked into phase or phase multiplicity, so non-linearity is the basis of all these phase locking phenomena, too (King).

According to Walter Freeman, "Consciousness may well be the subjective experience of this recursive process of motor command, reafference and perception. If so, it enables the brain to plan and prepare for each subsequent action on the basis of past action, sensory input and perceptual synthesis. In short, an act of perception is not the copying of an incoming stiinuIus. It is a step in a trajectory by which brains grow, reorganize themselves and reach into their environment to change it to their own advantage."
This `model' is an intellectual abstraction and in reality it is just spatial and temporal relationships between each piece of electrical activity. Every quanta is in the form of matter waves except at state reduction. The electromagnetic fields permeating neurons and synapses consist of real and virtual photons, in their wave states, and each of these are disturbances in the photon field.

Quantum Healing

Our experience of reality is based on mind and observation. Only our mental impressions, sensory filters, language categories, and concepts make us perceive things: things as separate from ourselves, the I and the not-I. But we are seamlessly welded to the Universe at the most fundamental levels. We cannot scientifically or spiritually distinguish ourselves from the subquantum ground of BEING, even if we feel separate or alienated.

But who among us has successfully abandoned the tendency to conceptualize observations as things, and compound that observation with qualitative attributions? We have experiences and later we say it was this or that. Some forms of meditation are based on disidentification from all aspects of existence and nominalism – neither this nor that.

But most of us still can’t wrap our quantum minds around it as a steady state of perception. Though science has extended our sight to the subquantal and cosmological levels, we still think provincially from the human scale of our natural senses. Our logic and metaphors are based in the senses. But our outer life comes from the invisible inner world, where we are literally in resonance with the Cosmos.

Concepts of matter, life, and mind have undergone major changes. Consciousness is not a material system and neither is Quantum Mechanics (QM). The world is quantum mechanical and we must learn to perceive it as such, but we don’t need to understand that to experience nonlocal healing, any more than we need to comprehend internal combustion to drive. Even physicists have a tough time reconciling what they know about the deep nature of reality with their mundane experience in the world of things.

So how does that mind and its underlying mechanisms relate to or produce consciousness? Is consciousness a quantum process, or does it underlie all process? Neurologists tell us it is a physical matter of wetware in the skull. However, the most we can say at the molecular level is that there are correlates of consciousness. The irreducible precursors of consciousness and matter are built into the universe. They just ARE, unified holistic process.

At the finest levels of observation, physicists contend the distinction between mind and matter becomes as paradoxical as the distinction between energy and matter, life and death (organic/inorganic). Quantum mechanics strongly suggests the Universe is mental. The substratum of everything, including our experience of being, has this mental character.

Healing theories, particularly nonlocal models, have drawn from theories in both new physics and consciousness studies, often compounding and confounding both disciplines. They mix levels of observation in theories, which seem to be largely conditioned by the favoritism of pet projects; thus each theory is generally associated with only one or two “brand” names of researchers.

Healers have been quick to parrot many of these ideas that support what they feel they have observed in intentional healing acts, or what validates the tenets of their school of practice. Often their comprehension of the scientific basis of the argument is slim to none. But this attribution is used to “explain” the phenomenon, with enough misapprehension to preserve the Mystery. However, it isn’t this confusion that makes it so. Are the enigmatic qualities of the quantum realm actually the same as the unity, coherence and other enigmatic qualities of the conscious one? The jury is still out.

There is no consensus among theories of what constitutes FIGURE and what constitutes the most fundamental GROUND, and it seems they share the same essential nature. Our perceived ‘content’ is not distinct from the ‘context’ in which it arises. It is one whole cloth of bubbling space-time. Nothing more, nor less. We have looked into the Abyss of spacetime and found it laughing back.

Ervin Laszlo points out regarding the finest level of observation, that because of “the quantum vacuum, the energy sea that underlies all of spacetime, it is no longer warranted to view matter as primary and space as secondary. It is to space or rather, to the cosmically extended "Dirac-sea" of the vacuum that we should grant primary reality.” Virtual particles pop in and out of existence like quantum foam.

Mass is the consequence of interactions in the depth of this universal field. There is only this absolute matter-generating energy field. This realization transforms our perception of life. Living systems constantly interact with the quantum vacuum, also called zero-point energy, vacuum fluctuation, or subspace. Wave-packets of matter are in a subtle interactive dance with the underlying vacuum field, a vast network of intimate interactions, extending into our biosphere and even Cosmos. Mind and matter both evolve from the cosmic womb of space.

According to Laszlo: “The interaction of our mind and consciousness with the quantum vacuum links us with other minds around us, as well as with the biosphere of the planet. It "opens" our mind to society, nature, and the universe. This openness has been known to mystics and sensitives, prophets and meta-physicians through the ages. But it has been denied by modern scientists and by those who took modern science to be the only way of comprehending reality.”

He goes on to propose a poetic metaphor: “Everything that goes on in our mind could leave its wave- traces in the quantum vacuum, and everything could be received by those who know how to "tune in" to the subtle patterns that propagate there.” In a mechanistic throwback, he likens it to an antenna picking up signals from a transmitter that contains the experience of the entire human race, reminding strongly of Carl Jung’s Collective Unconscious.

Worldviews color our perceptions of our Reality, even in science. Concepts are effective theories, useful not true. The universe is immaterial, mental and spiritual. The mind observes, but it doesn’t really observe “things”. It has a way of attributing certain qualities, subjective qualities and dynamics, to everything, even so-called “objective observation. This multisensory narrative becomes the content of our memories – how we remember what happens.

Our minds have a tendency to come up with reasons, whys and wherefores, for things as they appear to us. It is part of our survival mechanisms. However, physics has proven, through relativity theory, the uncertainty principle, wave/particle duality, and Godel’s theorem, that there can be no objectivity, no order or creativity without chaos.

The mind produces narratives. Archetypal forces act as lenses that cause us to cherish certain beliefs, which lead to a class of thoughts, and patterns of emotions and behaviors. It doesn’t matter if you come down on the side of preferring order or chaos, nature has her way. Ultimately, spontaneous or natural healing seems to by-pass this entire complex system, overriding our conscious perspectives in many cases. We may not “believe” in paradoxical healing, but it can still “work”, effecting psychophysical change at a deeper level through the emotional mind and through Mystery.

Healing is irrational. Perhaps the question we should really be asking is what causes us to imagine we are dissociated from a state of optimal health. This doesn’t mean our bodies will always work flawlessly. Chaos theory reveals that many systems in the body are self-organizing and regulated by stochastic processes that are naturally chaotic in nature. Chaos actually helps us reorganize, recalibrate our metabolism.

We can discuss it in terms of nested structured duality, superfluids, or an array of vortices, or a microtubule bank, or a dendritic cluster, hyper-neurons, glia and gap junction networks, or an entangled or collapsing wave function; still, we're merely talking about resonance between arrays -- patterns. This perspective leads to consideration of a Holographic concept of reality, the frequency domain, David Bohm’s implicate order.

Panpsychism aside, every bit of electrical activity is unaware of itself, is unaware of every other bit of electrical activity, and is unaware of all their relationships. This raises the question: why does consciousness exists at all and why is it a unity? What is synchronicity but a feedback between perceived reality and the emerging train of events. This is consistent with the transactional interpretation in which there is a handshaking between past emitters and future absorbers.

There are many plausible ways that quantum theory can help with these profound mysteries and it will be many decades before some understanding of the actual mechanisms are finalized. So, despite the pluses and minuses of existing quantum theories of mind, these kinds of theories should be encouraged. If consciousness is or is related to quantum effects then scientists will have to think in these directions to figure it out.


"Whether this vast homogeneous expanse of isotropic matter is fitted not only to be a medium of physical interaction between distant bodies, and to fulfill other physical functions of which, perhaps, we have as yet no conception, but also to constitute the material organism of beings exercising functions of life and mind as high or higher than ours are at present - is a question far transcending the limits of physical speculation.”, said Maxwell.

Of course, that was then and this is now.

Most natural philosophers hold, and have held, that action at a distance across empty space is impossible. In other words, that matter cannot act where it is not, but only where it is. The question "where is it?" is a further question that may demand attention and require more than a superficial answer.

Arguably, every atom of matter has a universal though nearly infinitesimal prevalence, and extends everywhere; since there is no definite sharp boundary or limiting periphery to the region disturbed by its existence. The lines of force of an isolated electric charge extend throughout illimitable space.

No ordinary matter is capable of transmitting the undulations or tremors that we call light. The speed at which they go, the kind of undulation, and the facility with which they go through vacuum, forbid this. So, clearly and universally has it been perceived that waves must be waves of something, something distinct from ordinary matter.

Faraday conjectured that the same medium, which is concerned in the propagation of light, might also be the agent in electromagnetic phenomena, and he called it “the ether”. Now we speak of it as the zero-point domain of virtual photon fluctuation. Romantically, we refer to it as the plenum, since it is infinitely full of potential.

Some philosophers have reason to suppose that mind can act directly on mind without intervening mechanism, and sometimes that has been spoken of as genuine action at a distance. But, in the first place, no proper conception or physical model can be made of such a process, much less how that deploys intentionality in distance healing.

Nor is it clear that space and distance have any particular meaning in the region of psychology. The links between mind and mind may be something quite other than physical proximity. Since we don’t know how it works, in denying action at a distance across empty space we are not denying telepathy or other activities of a non-physical kind. Brain disturbance or mindbody healing are plausible physical correlates of mental action, whether of the sending or receiving variety.

There is no consensus in physics, nor in consciousness studies, though there is a correlating theory for nearly every one proposed in physics. Spontaneous healing may bypass all of these suggested metatheories. A field becomes a nearly innacurrate term in the subquantual domain or metaphysical level of observation.

According to Hameroff, “Everything (matter, energy, you, me) is part of the hidden geometry of spacetime, of which the Platonic is one aspect. Smells and colors and melodic tunes are complex assemblies of fundamental qualia embedded as configurations in fundamental spacetime geometry.

The qualia in spacetime geopmetry *out there* caused qualia *in here* within us because there is spacetime geometry within our mindbodies as well. Because spacetime geometry is inherently nonlocal it could be that *out there* and *in here* are connected, or actually the same. Only in the classical world is there a spacelike distinction. Pure consciousness is the experience of a total lack of phenomenal content while still awake and alert, and thus able to remember there was nothing.

[Some theories alledge] cognitive functions reflect consciousness which exists in the universe. I am saying that quantum processes in the brain (related to cognitive processes) are connected to protoconscious quantum information inherent in the universe. The connection results in OR which is a moment of consciousness (the protoconscious/ unconscious quantum information becomes conscious) But remember the universe/spacetime geometry out there is also in our heads.” Hameroff

Several Vedic and Taoist texts (and perhaps other traditions as well) suggest that, with proper refinement of consciousness, the “outside” world can be cognized holographically, in a superposed, interpenetrating state where everything is experienced in everything else. If evidence can support such claims, perhaps the human mechanisms of perception have the capacity to directly experience an uncollapsed universe in which what is normally unconscious is merged into consciousness (or vice versa). Its like a dream.

But somehow consciousness is; somehow creativity emerges; somehow healing works; somehow we are, and are interrelated. Perhaps real meaning comes from our struggle to try to understand how these things work, to struggle toward wisdom in both the material and spiritual realms. There is meaning in the struggle to create, to heal, to know, to be.

Chris King suggests how chaotic sensitive dependence and quantum entanglement might be connected. Here are a few pointers to the core idea:

> 1. Cosmic symmetry-breaking causes the universe to develop non-linear fractal interac tive structures, leading to the origin of life.

> 2. Primal eucaryote cells had excitable membranes as a multi-quantum mode sense using chaotic sensitive dependence (the butterfly effect). There are three quantum senses vision (photon-orbital), hearing/touch (harmonic/soliton), and smell (orbital-orbital)

> 3. The amplification of quantum uncertainty by sensitive dependence gave these cells an anticipatory property through transactional entanglement (see below).

> 4. Com plex nervous systems developed as fractally dynamic structures to enable this sensitive dependence to become global, using phase-front processing - the same basis as quantum measurement. This is different from fractal structure although the two are related.

5. The brain uses global excitations with phase front measurement, and chaotic sensitive dependence to make a resonance be tween the quantum and global levels ... this resonance is made possible by the scale-exploding properties of fractal dynamics.

6. There is direct experimental evidence that a single ion channel opening stochastically (a quantum transformation) can excite an entire hippocampal cell and that a single hippocampal cell can set off a global brain response. The brain critically poised in a decision can thus become quantu m sensitive. The phenomenon is called stochastic resonance, and it proves the brain is capable of such super-sensitivity.

> 7. The brain can then use computation to engulf the deductive aspects of a problem using transitions from chaos to order. Eureka for example is a transition from specific initial conditions
Archimedes was facing in his problem and conscious lateral intuition in a transition from 'hunting' chaos to 'eureka' so the process is capable of complementing computation with intuition.

> 8. Most problems an organism faces are computationally intractable open environment problems in which there is not one optimum choice but many viable alternatives. Consciousness is not manifestly computation, but anticipatory awareness of the quantum of the moment which enables an anim al to escape a predator.

> 9. Transactional supercausality shows collapse of the wave function can anticipate future boundary conditions. History, evolution and the Schrodinger cat all have a common basis in collapsing the super-abundance of quantum parallelism. Collapsing the wave function is a way the brain can complement computation with real outcomes generated by uncertainty through chaos when the situation is uncomputable. It is manifest in subjective consciousness and has potent survival value in anticipating imminent crisis.

We Are Temples of Living Light

By Iona Miller, 1/2005

“Biophoton emission is a general phenomenon of living systems. It concerns low luminescence from a few up to some hundred photons per second, per square centimeter surface area, at least within the spectral region from 200 to 800nm. The experimental results indicate that biophotons originate from a coherent (or/and squeezed) photon field within the living organism, its function being intra and intercellular regulation and communication.” ~ Popp, 1999

Integrative Biophysics

Recent trends in quantum physics have been focusing on quantum field theory (QFT), rather than the particle physics of quantum mechanics (QM). QFT is the application of quantum mechanics to fields. It provides a theoretical framework widely used in particle physics and condensed matter physics. The extension of electromagnetic theory suggests a role for the physical vacuum in the organism.

Quantum Field Theory purports to be the most fundamental of sciences in that it concerns the ultimate constituents of matter. The term "quantum field theory" is used interchangeably with "particle physics" and "high energy physics" on the grounds that the experimental support for this theory comes from expensive experiments involving high-energy beams of particles.
In particular, the quantum theory of the electromagnetic field, known as quantum electrodynamics (QED), is one of the most well-tested and successful theories in physics. The fundamentals of quantum field theory were developed between the late 1920s and the 1950s, notably by Dirac, Fock, Pauli, Tomonaga, Schwinger, Feynman, and Dyson. But the 21st century sees their integration in biological processes.

There is great interest among those studying subtle energies to identify the agents and dynamics of the vacuum potential and its vast energy reserve on our essential nature – the fieldbody. Some argue that the quantum field, also known as the information field is the quantum potential. In this nonlocal model, everything is connected informationally to everything else, superluminally. Other call it a virtuality rather than potential.

We are primarily energetic and informational beings with field dependent chemical reactions. Typically, the treatment of biological effects of EM fields is restricted to ionizing radiation and membrane potentials. But Integrative Biophysics is more than a molecular-genetic approach to biology. It focuses on our intrinsic systemic holism, an inseparable whole with the environment, interconnection within and without the organism.

the brain/body acts as a very sensitive “radio receiver”, with each being “tuned” to its own “sub-quantum holographic hard drive”, the DNA serving in a similar capacity (no pun intended) to a radio’s tuning capacitor, though incredibly more complex), the body’s bio-energy field (“Aura”, Orgone, Chi, Kundalini, Prana — whatever they choose to call it, depending upon their various backgrounds and predispositions) acts as the “antenna” (a bridge to the sub-quantum realm, where their “hard drive” is actually stored — so here, you have your “medium”, so to speak ), and, of course, the “Holographic Sub-Quantum Hard Drive” storing, not only your memories (“data”), but the “programs” that comprise your personality.

We are not dealing with an actual physical construct, as the sub-quantum realm exists outside of space-time. I ask them to think of their individual “storage space” as “whirlpools in the river”; i.e., “personal” holographic storage space, rather than being “partitioned off” from the rest of the sub-quantum realm, is actually part-and-parcel of the holographic “fabric” of the sub-quantum realm. They are able to access their “data” and “programs” strictly by virtue of their physical/energetic resonant signature (I do NOT go into the pcar (phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance) issue, as their eyes would glass over, and I would lose them: but they can grasp resonance,
This explains Jung’s “Collective Unconscious”, and the “Akashic Records” of the ancient Tibetans.

Further, we can see how supposed “reincarnation” functions: I make the analogy to cordless phones/cell phones and “crossed signals”, due to a crowded frequency spectrum — something with which they are all familiar. While everyone’s physical/energetic signature is unique, there are bound to be certain “overlaps”, which allow a person living NOW to “tap into” the “quantum hard drive” of someone who is “dead”. i.e., that person’s “data” and “programs” still exist in the sub-quantum realm, and are thus available to be “tapped”, providing that one can “get into resonance”, or “tune” to that person’s signature. Mediums do this voluntarily, while in cases of reincarnation (and, at the extreme end, “possession”), there is a certain amount of resonance purely by chance. Incidentally, this also explains “genetic memory”: as the DNA is so instrumental in the “tuning” process, it can be understood how people of close genetic relation, thus sharing elements of their DNA, may “tap into” ancestors’ memories.

Telepathy can be similarly understood: when two people develop a close rapport, a “resonance” between themselves, their resonant signatures “overlap” to a certain extent, allowing for the “sharing” of “data”, and, in some cases, even their “programs” (personality traits, etc.).
Usually, a brief review of the non-local nature of any realm outside of space-time is sufficient to answer questions about remote sensing: since space and time are illusory constructs confined to “space-time”, and the “mind” exists in the sub-quantum realm, OUTSIDE of space-time... (there is usually some “forehead slapping” at this point — in most cases I don’t have to go much further on that issue...).

With NDE, however, I have to get a bit more in-depth. Since the physical body is a tuning mechanism, and does not immediately decay upon physical death, the tuning apparatus remains relatively intact for a period of time. And, if we look at the work of Wilhelm Reich, explaining the energy dynamics of “Orgone” (Chi, Prana, etc.), we can see that the Bio-energy field (“Aura”, etc.) will remain coherent and attached to the physical body for a period of time as well. Thus, our receiver, antenna, and of course, the “sub-quantum hard drive”, are all intact for quite a while after death. During this time, the consciousness may de-focus from space-time, as can also happen during “Astral Travel” and/or “Remote Viewing”...and if the body is revivified, these memories may be retained, and a NDE is then reported.

At this point, questions usually lean toward the more esoteric aspect of Astral Travel/NDE, and the fact that certain constructs seem to be reported by various people: “Christians” may see “Jesus”, or other appropriate religious figures, while Buddhists see Buddha, etc., etc. I explain the “form follows energy” principle, and show that the more mental energy is given to a construct, whether in THIS “space-time” realm, or any other, the more “real” it becomes. Thus, with BILLIONS of human minds lending energy to their various belief systems, it should come as no surprise that people find what they EXPECT to find in the NDE state. I even posit that space-time itself may be the result of a group of entities in the sub-quantum realm having “concocted” space-time, in much the same way that programmers of Virtual Reality systems create “worlds”, either for entertainment, or for university educational programs.

After some metaphysical meanderings along this line, I usually re-cap the main points of the “Holographic Quantum-Mind” theory, and send them on their way. All in all, I have found that people take to this VERY well...almost as if, on some level, they know it to be true...and while most cannot hope to ever comprehend the details of the high-end mathematics and physics involved, they grasp it very well at the intuitive level.

Professor Fritz-Albert Popp, a well-known biophysicist at Kaiserslautern University, Germany, states that:"All living organisms emit certain electromagnetic waves. If they are in a healthy condition, they emit more. If not, they emit less. This electromagnetic emission is called biophotons.”

All living cells from plants to human beings emit biophotons, ultraweak photon emission of electromagnetic wave in the optical range of the spectrum. Biophotons can’t be seen with the naked eye, but can be detected.

All organic and inorganic compounds have inherent electromagnetic resonance. The inherent resonance is the compound’s unique electromagnetic signature or signal. Chemical compounds absorb electrical, electromagnetic, and magnetic energy by altering their molecular and atomic geometry. As the molecule relaxes the alterations in geometry return to their normal configuration. The compounds then emit multiple radio frequencies of their own characteristics plus heat of specific infrared frequencies.

Biophotonics is a rapidly increasing field of current scientific research and applications, based on the discovery of biophotons, a permanent, weak photon current emanating from all living systems. The biophoton emission reflects some, if not all, of the essential biological and physiological activities in biological systems. Energy and information can move about the body through other means than nerve transmission and hormonal regulation via quantum coherence.

Biophotonics provides a powerful tool for investigating these electromagnetic interactions. The theoretical approach requires holistic models of living systems, rather than local analytical models. Consequently, these new insights into living matter create a new basis of "integrative biophysics" that is concerned with the questions of EM regulation, communication and organization of biological systems.

Russian medical researcher Professor Alexander Gurvich discovered what he called mitogenetic rays in 1923. Though studied briefly in the intervening years, biopontons again generated great theoetical and experimental interest in the 70s.

In 1974, German physicst Fritz Albert-Popp proved the existence of biophotons, their origin from DNA and later their coherence (laser-like nature). Russian biophysicist Peter Gariaev has confimed and built on this foundation with his own DNA hologram research.

Popp developed his theory to explain the plausible biological role and potential control mechanims of biochemical process, such as growth and differentiation. Though not yet a full theory of life, noted scientist Herbert Frolich and Nobel winner Ilya Prigogine have accepted Popp’s results warmly. Today, the International Institute of Biophysics, headquartered in Germany (founded 1992), flourishes in over 10 countries.

1. (Bischof) Due to recent advances in several disciplines, the basic features of a holistic biophysics are now emerging. It is proposed that the postulates for such a field must include that it will be based on the intrinsic holism of quantum theory and the properties of macroscopic quantum effects, that it must include the principles of non-locality, non-separability, and interconnectedness, that it will be based on a field picture of reality and the organism, and finally must include consciousness. The paper attempts to show why field models are appropriate tools for the holistic modeling of the organism, proposes a hierarchy of regulation systems based on fields, gives a review of field models proposed in biology, biophysics, consciousness research and social science, and discusses the possible role of fields in bridging the mind-body gap. Finally, a discussion of the perspectives that may be opened up for biophysics by some recently proposed extensions of electromagnetic theory leads the author to suggest a role for the physical vacuum in the organism.
2 (Bajpai) The phenomenon of biophoton emission has been an anathema to the paradigm of reductionism because of the shape of its signal and the nature of the emitted photons. The paradigm envisages a large number of identical sub-units, which independently emit photons after excitation.

Consequently, the emitted photons are incoherent and the decay character of the signal is exponential. In contrast, the decay character of a biophoton signal is non-exponential and the nature of its photons is coherent. Both characteristics suggest that photons be emitted in a pure quantum state. The emission in a pure quantum state requires a new framework of description and analysis of the signal and a special mechanism operating in living systems or a new paradigm. In the new framework, the evolution of the quantum state determines the shape of the signal. The shape should be situation specific and sensitive to physiological and environmental factors. The special mechanism is eluding us, perhaps, because biophoton emission is a property beyond the domain of fundamental molecular dogma and is a manifestation of a holistic and quantum nature of living systems. There should be a few more manifestations of holistic and quantum nature. A quantum system is intrinsically non-local and its consequences should be observable in macroscopic living systems. It is suspected that many properties of the living systems, hitherto considered bizarre, emanate from non-locality. A coherent photon signal provides an efficient and fast channel of communication. It is speculated that living systems use this channel to transmit information and instructions. Biophotons are used as a non-substantial mode of communications. A message in this mode can be transmitted to a desired entity at long distances with negligible corruption. The message carried by coherent biophoton can be detected even if the intensity of the signal is below the noise level. The quantum detection has a potential to generate the arrow of time and the identity of biological time with cosmological time. It is further hoped that signals similar to biophotons will be easy to generate.

Experiments with controlled artificial signals will help us to decipher the information content of a biophoton signal, to understand the working of a living system and to provide a scientific base to the alternative systems of medicine and health care.

*Part of the work was done at the International Institute of Biophysics, e.V., IIB Station Hombroich, Vockrather Strasse, D-41472 Neuss Germany

3 (Budagovsky) A.G.Gurwitsch's biological field theory (1944) initiated a principally new, namely a field approach in understanding the organization of a living matter. What we need now most of all is to create a physical interpretation of the "biological field", its experimentally detected manifestations being sometimes contradictory and ambiguous (Petuchov, 1983). Let us try to formalize the task by regarding a "biofield" as an informational signal. Taking into mind the properties of the biological systems the signal should be characterized by: - small energetical capacity combined with a high hindrance resistance; - high informational density; - weak absorption in the intra- and intercellular environment; - strong selective absorption by receptive structures; - the action area being no smaller than an average cell's diameter. The organisms are embedded within the fields of a high intensity, broad frequency range and, correspondingly, low degree of a statistical ordering. Under these conditions a coherent mode of coding the regulatorial signals is most of all hindrance-resisting and energetically advantageous (Achmanov et al., 1981). By Seatlow (1961) and Kaznacheyev (1981) estimations, the density of an information flow regulating cell metabolism should be about 109 byts/s what corresponds to the optical range of electromagnetic waves. Cells as a whole are enough transparent for the visible spectral range but some membrane-bound chromophores (phytochrom, cryptochrom, cytochrom and others) are able to absorb selectively light quanta of a definite energy level. The participation of a coherent field in the communicational processes depends upon the conditions providing its generation, propagation and detection. There are strong evidences for suggesting that the living organisms are endowed enough by all of these properties. It is both theoretically validated (Dicke, 1954; Frohlich, 1968, 1980; Bychovsky, 1975) and experimentally approved (Popp et al., 1981, 1984, 1994) that under the action of stochastic factors the biopolymers being in a condensed phase are able to generate cooperative excited states relaxed with the emission of coherent quanta. Earlier the propagation of a coherent signal within the heterogeneous biological medium have been considered as impossible (Krylov, 1980). Our investigations permitted to conclude meanwhile that a coherent field retains its statistical order required for a reliable detection at the distance of no less than several dozens cell layers. Similarly, we demonstrated the ability of the living organisms to distinguish (detect) quanta flows according to their coherency degree (Budagovsky, 1994). In these experiments, a cell's diameter fits the discrimination threshold. One may suggest that the chromophore-membrane ensemble of a cell plays a role of a phase detector. Unexpectedly, this has been confirmed by a comparison with Hertwig's nuclei-cytoplasmic ratio (Budagovsky, 1990). Therefore, the correspondence between a coherent radiation and a living organism is perfect enough for providing a field regulation of biosynthetic processes. This is evidenced also by a distant intercellular communication without requiring molecular or ionic mediators. Phase irregularity was shown to hamper communication thus indicating the presence of a statistical order of an informational signal (Kuzin et al., 1997). One of the mostly vivid manifestations of a coherent field is a holographic induction of morphogenesis. A projection of a hologram of a differentiated tissue upon non-organized proliferated callus cells initiates the growth of the normal organs (Budagovsky, Yevseyeva, 1995). Within the optical range the field regulation does not go beyond the framework of the ubiquitous photobiological processes, but the action of a coherent light appears to be much more effective than of a stochastical (low coherency) one. This is also exemplified by a wide known phenomenon of a laser stimulation. One may conclude that a coherent electromagnetic field is an indispensable element of the biological organization playing in the organisms a communicative role.

We are primarily energetic and informational beings with field dependent chemical reactions. Typically, the treatment of biological effects of EM fields is restricted to ionizing radiation and membrane potentials. But Integrative Biophysics is more than a molecular-genetic approach to biology. It focuses on our intrinsic systemic holism, an inseparable whole with the environment, interconnection within and without the organism.

the brain/body acts as a very sensitive “radio receiver”, with each being “tuned” to its own “sub-quantum holographic hard drive”, the DNA serving in a similar capacity (no pun intended) to a radio’s tuning capacitor, though incredibly more complex), the body’s bio-energy field (“Aura”, Orgone, Chi, Kundalini, Prana — whatever they choose to call it, depending upon their various backgrounds and predispositions) acts as the “antenna” (a bridge to the sub-quantum realm, where their “hard drive” is actually stored — so here, you have your “medium”, so to speak ), and, of course, the “Holographic Sub-Quantum Hard Drive” storing, not only your memories (“data”), but the “programs” that comprise your personality.
We are not dealing with an actual physical construct, as the sub-quantum realm exists outside of space-time. I ask them to think of their individual “storage space” as “whirlpools in the river”; i.e., “personal” holographic storage space, rather than being “partitioned off” from the rest of the sub-quantum realm, is actually part-and-parcel of the holographic “fabric” of the sub-quantum realm. They are able to access their “data” and “programs” strictly by virtue of their physical/energetic resonant signature (I do NOT go into the pcar (phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance) issue, as their eyes would glass over, and I would lose them: but they can grasp resonance,
This explains Jung’s “Collective Unconscious”, and the “Akashic Records” of the ancient Tibetans. Further, we can see how supposed “reincarnation” functions: I make the analogy to cordless phones/cell phones and “crossed signals”, due to a crowded frequency spectrum — something with which they are all familiar. While everyone’s physical/energetic signature is unique, there are bound to be certain “overlaps”, which allow a person living NOW to “tap into” the “quantum hard drive” of someone who is “dead”. i.e., that person’s “data” and “programs” still exist in the sub-quantum realm, and are thus available to be “tapped”, providing that one can “get into resonance”, or “tune” to that person’s signature. Mediums do this voluntarily, while in cases of reincarnation (and, at the extreme end, “possession”), there is a certain amount of resonance purely by chance. Incidentally, this also explains “genetic memory”: as the DNA is so instrumental in the “tuning” process, it can be understood how people of close genetic relation, thus sharing elements of their DNA, may “tap into” ancestors’ memories.
Telepathy can be similarly understood: when two people develop a close rapport, a “resonance” between themselves, their resonant signatures “overlap” to a certain extent, allowing for the “sharing” of “data”, and, in some cases, even their “programs” (personality traits, etc.).
Usually, a brief review of the non-local nature of any realm outside of space-time is sufficient to answer questions about remote sensing: since space and time are illusory constructs confined to “space-time”, and the “mind” exists in the sub-quantum realm, OUTSIDE of space-time... (there is usually some “forehead slapping” at this point — in most cases I don’t have to go much further on that issue...).
With NDE, however, I have to get a bit more in-depth. Since the physical body is a tuning mechanism, and does not immediately decay upon physical death, the tuning apparatus remains relatively intact for a period of time. And, if we look at the work of Wilhelm Reich, explaining the energy dynamics of “Orgone” (Chi, Prana, etc.), we can see that the Bio-energy field (“Aura”, etc.) will remain coherent and attached to the physical body for a period of time as well. Thus, our receiver, antenna, and of course, the “sub-quantum hard drive”, are all intact for quite a while after death. During this time, the consciousness may de-focus from space-time, as can also happen during “Astral Travel” and/or “Remote Viewing”...and if the body is revivified, these memories may be retained, and a NDE is then reported.

At this point, questions usually lean toward the more esoteric aspect of Astral Travel/NDE, and the fact that certain constructs seem to be reported by various people: “Christians” may see “Jesus”, or other appropriate religious figures, while Buddhists see Buddha, etc., etc. I explain the “form follows energy” principle, and show that the more mental energy is given to a construct, whether in THIS “space-time” realm, or any other, the more “real” it becomes. Thus, with BILLIONS of human minds lending energy to their various belief systems, it should come as no surprise that people find what they EXPECT to find in the NDE state. I even posit that space-time itself may be the result of a group of entities in the sub-quantum realm having “concocted” space-time, in much the same way that programmers of Virtual Reality systems create “worlds”, either for entertainment, or for university educational programs.

After some metaphysical meanderings along this line, I usually re-cap the main points of the “Holographic Quantum-Mind” theory, and send them on their way. All in all, I have found that people take to this VERY well...almost as if, on some level, they know it to be true...and while most cannot hope to ever comprehend the details of the high-end mathematics and physics involved, they grasp it very well at the intuitive level.

Professor Fritz-Albert Popp, a well-known biophysicist at Kaiserslautern University, Germany, states that:"All living organisms emit certain electromagnetic waves. If they are in a healthy condition, they emit more. If not, they emit less. This electromagnetic emission is called biophotons.”

All living cells from plants to human beings emit biophotons, ultraweak photon emission of electromagnetic wave in the optical range of the spectrum. Biophotons can’t be seen with the naked eye, but can be detected.

All organic and inorganic compounds have inherent electromagnetic resonance. The inherent resonance is the compound’s unique electromagnetic signature or signal. Chemical compounds absorb electrical, electromagnetic, and magnetic energy by altering their molecular and atomic geometry. As the molecule relaxes the alterations in geometry return to their normal configuration. The compounds then emit multiple radio frequencies of their own characteristics plus heat of specific infrared frequencies.

Biophotonics is a rapidly increasing field of current scientific research and applications, based on the discovery of biophotons, a permanent, weak photon current emanating from all living systems. The biophoton emission reflects some, if not all, of the essential biological and physiological activities in biological systems. Energy and information can move about the body through other means than nerve transmission and hormonal regulation via quantum coherence.

Biophotonics provides a powerful tool for investigating these electromagnetic interactions. The theoretical approach requires holistic models of living systems, rather than local analytical models. Consequently, these new insights into living matter create a new basis of "integrative biophysics" that is concerned with the questions of EM regulation, communication and organization of biological systems.

Russian medical researcher Professor Alexander Gurvich discovered what he called mitogenetic rays in 1923. Though studied briefly in the intervening years, biopontons again generated great theoetical and experimental interest in the 70s.

In 1974, German physicst Fritz Albert-Popp proved the existence of biophotons, their origin from DNA and later their coherence (laser-like nature). Russian biophysicist Peter Gariaev has confimed and built on this foundation with his own DNA hologram research.

Popp developed his theory to explain the plausible biological role and potential control mechanims of biochemical process, such as growth and differentiation. Though not yet a full theory of life, noted scientist Herbert Frolich and Nobel winner Ilya Prigogine have accepted Popp’s results warmly. Today, the International Institute of Biophysics, headquartered in Germany (founded 1992), flourishes in over 10 countries.

1. (Bischof) Due to recent advances in several disciplines, the basic features of a holistic biophysics are now emerging. It is proposed that the postulates for such a field must include that it will be based on the intrinsic holism of quantum theory and the properties of macroscopic quantum effects, that it must include the principles of non-locality, non-separability, and interconnectedness, that it will be based on a field picture of reality and the organism, and finally must include consciousness. The paper attempts to show why field models are appropriate tools for the holistic modeling of the organism, proposes a hierarchy of regulation systems based on fields, gives a review of field models proposed in biology, biophysics, consciousness research and social science, and discusses the possible role of fields in bridging the mind-body gap. Finally, a discussion of the perspectives that may be opened up for biophysics by some recently proposed extensions of electromagnetic theory leads the author to suggest a role for the physical vacuum in the organism.
2 (Bajpai) The phenomenon of biophoton emission has been an anathema to the paradigm of reductionism because of the shape of its signal and the nature of the emitted photons. The paradigm envisages a large number of identical sub-units, which independently emit photons after excitation. Consequently, the emitted photons are incoherent and the decay character of the signal is exponential. In contrast, the decay character of a biophoton signal is non-exponential and the nature of its photons is coherent. Both characteristics suggest that photons be emitted in a pure quantum state. The emission in a pure quantum state requires a new framework of description and analysis of the signal and a special mechanism operating in living systems or a new paradigm. In the new framework, the evolution of the quantum state determines the shape of the signal. The shape should be situation specific and sensitive to physiological and environmental factors. The special mechanism is eluding us, perhaps, because biophoton emission is a property beyond the domain of fundamental molecular dogma and is a manifestation of a holistic and quantum nature of living systems. There should be a few more manifestations of holistic and quantum nature. A quantum system is intrinsically non-local and its consequences should be observable in macroscopic living systems. It is suspected that many properties of the living systems, hitherto considered bizarre, emanate from non-locality. A coherent photon signal provides an efficient and fast channel of communication. It is speculated that living systems use this channel to transmit information and instructions. Biophotons are used as a non-substantial mode of communications. A message in this mode can be transmitted to a desired entity at long distances with negligible corruption. The message carried by coherent biophoton can be detected even if the intensity of the signal is below the noise level. The quantum detection has a potential to generate the arrow of time and the identity of biological time with cosmological time. It is further hoped that signals similar to biophotons will be easy to generate. Experiments with controlled artificial signals will help us to decipher the information content of a biophoton signal, to understand the working of a living system and to provide a scientific base to the alternative systems of medicine and health care.

*Part of the work was done at the International Institute of Biophysics, e.V., IIB Station Hombroich, Vockrather Strasse, D-41472 Neuss Germany

3 (Budagovsky) A.G.Gurwitsch's biological field theory (1944) initiated a principally new, namely a field approach in understanding the organization of a living matter. What we need now most of all is to create a physical interpretation of the "biological field", its experimentally detected manifestations being sometimes contradictory and ambiguous (Petuchov, 1983). Let us try to formalize the task by regarding a "biofield" as an informational signal. Taking into mind the properties of the biological systems the signal should be characterized by: - small energetical capacity combined with a high hindrance resistance; - high informational density; - weak absorption in the intra- and intercellular environment; - strong selective absorption by receptive structures; - the action area being no smaller than an average cell's diameter. The organisms are embedded within the fields of a high intensity, broad frequency range and, correspondingly, low degree of a statistical ordering. Under these conditions a coherent mode of coding the regulatorial signals is most of all hindrance-resisting and energetically advantageous (Achmanov et al., 1981). By Seatlow (1961) and Kaznacheyev (1981) estimations, the density of an information flow regulating cell metabolism should be about 109 byts/s what corresponds to the optical range of electromagnetic waves. Cells as a whole are enough transparent for the visible spectral range but some membrane-bound chromophores (phytochrom, cryptochrom, cytochrom and others) are able to absorb selectively light quanta of a definite energy level. The participation of a coherent field in the communicational processes depends upon the conditions providing its generation, propagation and detection. There are strong evidences for suggesting that the living organisms are endowed enough by all of these properties. It is both theoretically validated (Dicke, 1954; Frohlich, 1968, 1980; Bychovsky, 1975) and experimentally approved (Popp et al., 1981, 1984, 1994) that under the action of stochastic factors the biopolymers being in a condensed phase are able to generate cooperative excited states relaxed with the emission of coherent quanta. Earlier the propagation of a coherent signal within the heterogeneous biological medium have been considered as impossible (Krylov, 1980). Our investigations permitted to conclude meanwhile that a coherent field retains its statistical order required for a reliable detection at the distance of no less than several dozens cell layers. Similarly, we demonstrated the ability of the living organisms to distinguish (detect) quanta flows according to their coherency degree (Budagovsky, 1994). In these experiments, a cell's diameter fits the discrimination threshold. One may suggest that the chromophore-membrane ensemble of a cell plays a role of a phase detector.

Unexpectedly, this has been confirmed by a comparison with Hertwig's nuclei-cytoplasmic ratio (Budagovsky, 1990). Therefore, the correspondence between a coherent radiation and a living organism is perfect enough for providing a field regulation of biosynthetic processes. This is evidenced also by a distant intercellular communication without requiring molecular or ionic mediators. Phase irregularity was shown to hamper communication thus indicating the presence of a statistical order of an informational signal (Kuzin et al., 1997). One of the mostly vivid manifestations of a coherent field is a holographic induction of morphogenesis.

A projection of a hologram of a differentiated tissue upon non-organized proliferated callus cells initiates the growth of the normal organs (Budagovsky, Yevseyeva, 1995). Within the optical range the field regulation does not go beyond the framework of the ubiquitous photobiological processes, but the action of a coherent light appears to be much more effective than of a stochastical (low coherency) one. This is also exemplified by a wide known phenomenon of a laser stimulation. One may conclude that a coherent electromagnetic field is an indispensable element of the biological organization playing in the organisms a communicative role.

We are primarily energetic and informational beings with field dependent chemical reactions. Typically, the treatment of biological effects of EM fields is restricted to ionizing radiation and membrane potentials. But Integrative Biophysics is more than a molecular-genetic approach to biology. It focuses on our intrinsic systemic holism, an inseparable whole with the environment, interconnection within and without the organism.

the brain/body acts as a very sensitive “radio receiver”, with each being “tuned” to its own “sub-quantum holographic hard drive”, the DNA serving in a similar capacity (no pun intended) to a radio’s tuning capacitor, though incredibly more complex), the body’s bio-energy field (“Aura”, Orgone, Chi, Kundalini, Prana — whatever they choose to call it, depending upon their various backgrounds and predispositions) acts as the “antenna” (a bridge to the sub-quantum realm, where their “hard drive” is actually stored — so here, you have your “medium”, so to speak ), and, of course, the “Holographic Sub-Quantum Hard Drive” storing, not only your memories (“data”), but the “programs” that comprise your personality.

We are not dealing with an actual physical construct, as the sub-quantum realm exists outside of space-time. I ask them to think of their individual “storage space” as “whirlpools in the river”; i.e., “personal” holographic storage space, rather than being “partitioned off” from the rest of the sub-quantum realm, is actually part-and-parcel of the holographic “fabric” of the sub-quantum realm. They are able to access their “data” and “programs” strictly by virtue of their physical/energetic resonant signature (I do NOT go into the pcar (phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance) issue, as their eyes would glass over, and I would lose them: but they can grasp resonance,
This explains Jung’s “Collective Unconscious”, and the “Akashic Records” of the ancient Tibetans.

Further, we can see how supposed “reincarnation” functions: I make the analogy to cordless phones/cell phones and “crossed signals”, due to a crowded frequency spectrum — something with which they are all familiar. While everyone’s physical/energetic signature is unique, there are bound to be certain “overlaps”, which allow a person living NOW to “tap into” the “quantum hard drive” of someone who is “dead”. i.e., that person’s “data” and “programs” still exist in the sub-quantum realm, and are thus available to be “tapped”, providing that one can “get into resonance”, or “tune” to that person’s signature.

Mediums do this voluntarily, while in cases of reincarnation (and, at the extreme end, “possession”), there is a certain amount of resonance purely by chance. Incidentally, this also explains “genetic memory”: as the DNA is so instrumental in the “tuning” process, it can be understood how people of close genetic relation, thus sharing elements of their DNA, may “tap into” ancestors’ memories.

Telepathy can be similarly understood: when two people develop a close rapport, a “resonance” between themselves, their resonant signatures “overlap” to a certain extent, allowing for the “sharing” of “data”, and, in some cases, even their “programs” (personality traits, etc.).
Usually, a brief review of the non-local nature of any realm outside of space-time is sufficient to answer questions about remote sensing: since space and time are illusory constructs confined to “space-time”, and the “mind” exists in the sub-quantum realm, OUTSIDE of space-time... (there is usually some “forehead slapping” at this point — in most cases I don’t have to go much further on that issue...).

With NDE, however, I have to get a bit more in-depth. Since the physical body is a tuning mechanism, and does not immediately decay upon physical death, the tuning apparatus remains relatively intact for a period of time. And, if we look at the work of Wilhelm Reich, explaining the energy dynamics of “Orgone” (Chi, Prana, etc.), we can see that the Bio-energy field (“Aura”, etc.) will remain coherent and attached to the physical body for a period of time as well. Thus, our receiver, antenna, and of course, the “sub-quantum hard drive”, are all intact for quite a while after death. During this time, the consciousness may de-focus from space-time, as can also happen during “Astral Travel” and/or “Remote Viewing”...and if the body is revivified, these memories may be retained, and a NDE is then reported.

At this point, questions usually lean toward the more esoteric aspect of Astral Travel/NDE, and the fact that certain constructs seem to be reported by various people: “Christians” may see “Jesus”, or other appropriate religious figures, while Buddhists see Buddha, etc., etc. I explain the “form follows energy” principle, and show that the more mental energy is given to a construct, whether in THIS “space-time” realm, or any other, the more “real” it becomes. Thus, with BILLIONS of human minds lending energy to their various belief systems, it should come as no surprise that people find what they EXPECT to find in the NDE state. I even posit that space-time itself may be the result of a group of entities in the sub-quantum realm having “concocted” space-time, in much the same way that programmers of Virtual Reality systems create “worlds”, either for entertainment, or for university educational programs.

After some metaphysical meanderings along this line, I usually re-cap the main points of the “Holographic Quantum-Mind” theory, and send them on their way. All in all, I have found that people take to this VERY well...almost as if, on some level, they know it to be true...and while most cannot hope to ever comprehend the details of the high-end mathematics and physics involved, they grasp it very well at the intuitive level.

Professor Fritz-Albert Popp, a well-known biophysicist at Kaiserslautern University, Germany, states that:"All living organisms emit certain electromagnetic waves. If they are in a healthy condition, they emit more. If not, they emit less. This electromagnetic emission is called biophotons.”

All living cells from plants to human beings emit biophotons, ultraweak photon emission of electromagnetic wave in the optical range of the spectrum. Biophotons can’t be seen with the naked eye, but can be detected.

All organic and inorganic compounds have inherent electromagnetic resonance. The inherent resonance is the compound’s unique electromagnetic signature or signal. Chemical compounds absorb electrical, electromagnetic, and magnetic energy by altering their molecular and atomic geometry. As the molecule relaxes the alterations in geometry return to their normal configuration. The compounds then emit multiple radio frequencies of their own characteristics plus heat of specific infrared frequencies.

Biophotonics is a rapidly increasing field of current scientific research and applications, based on the discovery of biophotons, a permanent, weak photon current emanating from all living systems. The biophoton emission reflects some, if not all, of the essential biological and physiological activities in biological systems. Energy and information can move about the body through other means than nerve transmission and hormonal regulation via quantum coherence.

Biophotonics provides a powerful tool for investigating these electromagnetic interactions. The theoretical approach requires holistic models of living systems, rather than local analytical models. Consequently, these new insights into living matter create a new basis of "integrative biophysics" that is concerned with the questions of EM regulation, communication and organization of biological systems.

Russian medical researcher Professor Alexander Gurvich discovered what he called mitogenetic rays in 1923. Though studied briefly in the intervening years, biopontons again generated great theoetical and experimental interest in the 70s.

In 1974, German physicst Fritz Albert-Popp proved the existence of biophotons, their origin from DNA and later their coherence (laser-like nature). Russian biophysicist Peter Gariaev has confimed and built on this foundation with his own DNA hologram research.

Popp developed his theory to explain the plausible biological role and potential control mechanims of biochemical process, such as growth and differentiation. Though not yet a full theory of life, noted scientist Herbert Frolich and Nobel winner Ilya Prigogine have accepted Popp’s results warmly. Today, the International Institute of Biophysics, headquartered in Germany (founded 1992), flourishes in over 10 countries.

1. (Bischof) Due to recent advances in several disciplines, the basic features of a holistic biophysics are now emerging. It is proposed that the postulates for such a field must include that it will be based on the intrinsic holism of quantum theory and the properties of macroscopic quantum effects, that it must include the principles of non-locality, non-separability, and interconnectedness, that it will be based on a field picture of reality and the organism, and finally must include consciousness. The paper attempts to show why field models are appropriate tools for the holistic modeling of the organism, proposes a hierarchy of regulation systems based on fields, gives a review of field models proposed in biology, biophysics, consciousness research and social science, and discusses the possible role of fields in bridging the mind-body gap. Finally, a discussion of the perspectives that may be opened up for biophysics by some recently proposed extensions of electromagnetic theory leads the author to suggest a role for the physical vacuum in the organism.
2 (Bajpai) The phenomenon of biophoton emission has been an anathema to the paradigm of reductionism because of the shape of its signal and the nature of the emitted photons. The paradigm envisages a large number of identical sub-units, which independently emit photons after excitation. Consequently, the emitted photons are incoherent and the decay character of the signal is exponential. In contrast, the decay character of a biophoton signal is non-exponential and the nature of its photons is coherent. Both characteristics suggest that photons be emitted in a pure quantum state. The emission in a pure quantum state requires a new framework of description and analysis of the signal and a special mechanism operating in living systems or a new paradigm. In the new framework, the evolution of the quantum state determines the shape of the signal. The shape should be situation specific and sensitive to physiological and environmental factors. The special mechanism is eluding us, perhaps, because biophoton emission is a property beyond the domain of fundamental molecular dogma and is a manifestation of a holistic and quantum nature of living systems. There should be a few more manifestations of holistic and quantum nature. A quantum system is intrinsically non-local and its consequences should be observable in macroscopic living systems. It is suspected that many properties of the living systems, hitherto considered bizarre, emanate from non-locality. A coherent photon signal provides an efficient and fast channel of communication. It is speculated that living systems use this channel to transmit information and instructions. Biophotons are used as a non-substantial mode of communications. A message in this mode can be transmitted to a desired entity at long distances with negligible corruption. The message carried by coherent biophoton can be detected even if the intensity of the signal is below the noise level. The quantum detection has a potential to generate the arrow of time and the identity of biological time with cosmological time. It is further hoped that signals similar to biophotons will be easy to generate. Experiments with controlled artificial signals will help us to decipher the information content of a biophoton signal, to understand the working of a living system and to provide a scientific base to the alternative systems of medicine and health care.

*Part of the work was done at the International Institute of Biophysics, e.V., IIB Station Hombroich, Vockrather Strasse, D-41472 Neuss Germany

3 (Budagovsky) A.G.Gurwitsch's biological field theory (1944) initiated a principally new, namely a field approach in understanding the organization of a living matter. What we need now most of all is to create a physical interpretation of the "biological field", its experimentally detected manifestations being sometimes contradictory and ambiguous (Petuchov, 1983). Let us try to formalize the task by regarding a "biofield" as an informational signal. Taking into mind the properties of the biological systems the signal should be characterized by: - small energetical capacity combined with a high hindrance resistance; - high informational density; - weak absorption in the intra- and intercellular environment; - strong selective absorption by receptive structures; - the action area being no smaller than an average cell's diameter. The organisms are embedded within the fields of a high intensity, broad frequency range and, correspondingly, low degree of a statistical ordering. Under these conditions a coherent mode of coding the regulatorial signals is most of all hindrance-resisting and energetically advantageous (Achmanov et al., 1981). By Seatlow (1961) and Kaznacheyev (1981) estimations, the density of an information flow regulating cell metabolism should be about 109 byts/s what corresponds to the optical range of electromagnetic waves. Cells as a whole are enough transparent for the visible spectral range but some membrane-bound chromophores (phytochrom, cryptochrom, cytochrom and others) are able to absorb selectively light quanta of a definite energy level. The participation of a coherent field in the communicational processes depends upon the conditions providing its generation, propagation and detection. There are strong evidences for suggesting that the living organisms are endowed enough by all of these properties. It is both theoretically validated (Dicke, 1954; Frohlich, 1968, 1980; Bychovsky, 1975) and experimentally approved (Popp et al., 1981, 1984, 1994) that under the action of stochastic factors the biopolymers being in a condensed phase are able to generate cooperative excited states relaxed with the emission of coherent quanta. Earlier the propagation of a coherent signal within the heterogeneous biological medium have been considered as impossible (Krylov, 1980). Our investigations permitted to conclude meanwhile that a coherent field retains its statistical order required for a reliable detection at the distance of no less than several dozens cell layers. Similarly, we demonstrated the ability of the living organisms to distinguish (detect) quanta flows according to their coherency degree (Budagovsky, 1994). In these experiments, a cell's diameter fits the discrimination threshold. One may suggest that the chromophore-membrane ensemble of a cell plays a role of a phase detector.

Unexpectedly, this has been confirmed by a comparison with Hertwig's nuclei-cytoplasmic ratio (Budagovsky, 1990). Therefore, the correspondence between a coherent radiation and a living organism is perfect enough for providing a field regulation of biosynthetic processes. This is evidenced also by a distant intercellular communication without requiring molecular or ionic mediators. Phase irregularity was shown to hamper communication thus indicating the presence of a statistical order of an informational signal (Kuzin et al., 1997). One of the mostly vivid manifestations of a coherent field is a holographic induction of morphogenesis.

A projection of a hologram of a differentiated tissue upon non-organized proliferated callus cells initiates the growth of the normal organs (Budagovsky, Yevseyeva, 1995). Within the optical range the field regulation does not go beyond the framework of the ubiquitous photobiological processes, but the action of a coherent light appears to be much more effective than of a stochastical (low coherency) one. This is also exemplified by a wide known phenomenon of a laser stimulation. One may conclude that a coherent electromagnetic field is an indispensable element of the biological organization playing in the organisms a communicative role.

(C)2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED; Iona Miller